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发布时间:2019-03-08 14:06
【摘要】:高校辅导员承担着高校大学生思想政治教育和日常管理等相关的工作,是大学生的人生导师、引导者,是维护高校地方、校园稳定和培养合格人才的中坚力量。地处祖国西北边陲的新疆高校,处在多民族、多宗教、多文化及经济欠发达的特殊区域,大学生思想政治教育在内容、手段、方法、有效路径和价值目标等方面,在共性要求之外还呈现出与国内其他地区不同的特点。随着改革开放的不断深入,,国内外形势发生了深刻的变化,西方敌对势力通过多种渠道、形式蛊惑和煽动高校大学生青年,并制造了乌鲁木齐7.5事件的发生,给新疆大学生思想政治工作的复杂形势敲响了警钟,面对特殊的区情及管理对象的多民族性与多层次性,新疆高校大学生的思想政治教育工作显得尤为重要。 本研究在《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》(中共中央[2004]16号文件)精神的指导下,运用文献法、调查法和比较研究法,以新疆五所大学的辅导员及新疆教育行政主管部门人员为调查对象,通过访谈和问卷调查,对新疆高校辅导员专业化建设现状获得更具体的了解,深入探究分析当前新疆高校辅导员专业化建设中存在的问题及其产生的原因。同时,结合新疆特殊区情,通过比较研究,寻找推进新疆高校辅导员专业化建设可以借鉴的国内外先进和有效的经验方法,并提出了加强辅导员专业化建设的对策和建议,形成了初步研究成果。对高校辅导员队伍专业化进行调查,总结、分析了当前新疆高校辅导员队伍专业化建设过程中存在的问题及其成因,并探寻解决问题的有效途径。 本研究认为,在新的形势条件下,新疆高校辅导员工作特殊性、复杂性、艰巨性的要求、新疆高校一线学生工作质量和水平提升的要求和新疆高校大学生成长成才与新疆发展的要求这四个方面是新疆高校辅导员队伍追求专业化发展的外因,而辅导员队伍规模不足,构成结构不合理,专业素质不强,考核机制不甚完善则构成了新疆高校辅导员队伍追求专业化发展的内因。为此,笔者提出:要确立高校辅导员应有的地位与专业定位,建立规模适度、结构合理的辅导员队伍,努力提高辅导员的自身素质,强化新疆高校辅导员管理机制,搭建新疆高校辅导员培训平台和建立有利于新疆高校辅导员队伍专业化的激励制度等措施,以此来确保新疆高校辅导员队伍专业化建设进程。
[Abstract]:College counselors are responsible for the ideological and political education and daily management of college students. They are the life mentors and guides of college students. They are the backbone of maintaining the stability of colleges and universities, campus stability and the cultivation of qualified talents. Colleges and universities in Xinjiang, located in the northwest border of the motherland, are in special areas of multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and economically underdeveloped, and ideological and political education of college students is in terms of content, means, methods, effective paths and value objectives, and so on. In addition to the common requirements, there are also different characteristics from other parts of the country. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the situation at home and abroad has undergone profound changes. Western hostile forces have bewitched and incited college and university students through various channels, and created the occurrence of the 7.5 incident in Urumqi. The complex situation of college students' ideological and political work in Xinjiang has sounded a warning bell. Facing the special regional situation and the multi-ethnic and multi-level nature of management objects, the ideological and political education of college students in Xinjiang is particularly important. Guided by the spirit of "opinions of the State Council of the CPC Central Committee on further strengthening and improving ideological and political Education of College students" (document No. 16 of the CPC Central Committee [2004]), this study applies the methods of literature, investigation and comparative research. Taking counselors from five universities in Xinjiang and personnel in charge of education administration in Xinjiang as investigation objects, through interviews and questionnaires, we can get a more specific understanding of the current situation of professional construction of counselors in Xinjiang colleges and universities. In-depth exploration and analysis of the current professional construction of college counselors in Xinjiang problems and their causes. At the same time, combined with the special regional situation in Xinjiang, through comparative research, the author looks for advanced and effective experiences and methods at home and abroad to promote the professional construction of college counselors in Xinjiang, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the professional construction of counselors. The preliminary research results have been formed. This paper investigates and summarizes the professionalization of counselors in colleges and universities, analyzes on the problems existing in the process of professional construction of college counselors in Xinjiang and their causes, and explores the effective ways to solve the problems. According to this study, under the new situation, the requirements of particularity, complexity and hardship in the work of college counselors in Xinjiang, The requirements of improving the quality and level of the first-line students' work in Xinjiang colleges and universities in Xinjiang and the requirements of the development of Xinjiang's college students are the external reasons for the professional development of the college counselors in Xinjiang, but the scale of the counselors' team is insufficient. The unreasonable structure, the weak professional quality and the imperfect examination mechanism constitute the internal reasons for the professional development of the college counselors in Xinjiang. Therefore, the author puts forward that it is necessary to establish the proper position and professional orientation of college counselors, set up a team of counselors with moderate scale and reasonable structure, make great efforts to improve their own quality, and strengthen the management mechanism of college counselors in Xinjiang. In order to ensure the process of the professional construction of college counselors in Xinjiang, we should set up the training platform of college counselors in Xinjiang and set up the incentive system which is conducive to the specialization of the counselors in Xinjiang colleges and universities.


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