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发布时间:2019-03-13 11:53
【摘要】:高校教师是高等教育事业的第一资源,是高校教育教学质量的灵魂。在中国高等教育的大众化发展过程中,我国高等教育有了前所未有的大发展,一大批专科学校通过合并、重组等多种渠道升格为本科院校。随着高校教育规模的扩大,在这些应用型本科院校中青年教师队伍不断发展壮大,大批的青年教师成为了学校教师队伍的新生力量。如何培养青年教师,提高青年教师的素质与能力,使之尽快适应高校教学、科研岗位,并逐步成为合格教师、骨干教师、专家教师,对应用型本科院校是一项重大、紧迫的任务。 青年教师具有学历层次高、思想活跃、求知欲强,,并且绝大多数都有自我发展的迫切需求,因此本文以人本管理理论为指导,以职业生涯管理理论为依据,从青年教师的成长特点及规律角度出发,针对青年教师所处的职业生涯关键期进行重点研究,为完善应用型本科院校青年教师的培养工作制定相应的培养策略。 本研究以F学院为个案,将理论与实证相结合,采用文献综述、个案分析、问卷调查等研究方法,多层面、多方位地对新建应用型本科院校青年教师的培养进行了探析。全文由六个部分组成: 第一部分绪论,阐述本研究的目的与意义、思路与方法,国内外研究的现状,以及文中涉及概念的界定。 第二部分应用型本科院校青年教师培养的理论基础,介绍了人本管理理论、职业生涯管理理论的主要内容及在青年教师培养中的应用。 第三部分高校青年教师的特点及成长规律。 第四部分影响高校青年教师培养的因素,分别从主观因素和客观因素两方面进行分析。 第五部分通过问卷调查的方式对F学院青年教师培养工作的现状进行分析和总结,找出青年教师培养中存在的问题。 第六部分在结合人本管理理论及职业生涯规划理论基础上,并借鉴国内外青年教师培养的经验,提出促进新建应用型本科院校青年教师培养的优化策略。
[Abstract]:University teachers are the first resource of higher education and the soul of the quality of education and teaching in colleges and universities. In the process of the popularization of higher education in China, the higher education in China has made an unprecedented development. A large number of colleges and universities have been upgraded to undergraduate colleges through merger, reorganization and other channels. With the expansion of the scale of education in colleges and universities, the ranks of young and middle-aged teachers in these applied undergraduate colleges and universities continue to grow, a large number of young teachers have become the new force of the school teachers. How to train young teachers, improve their qualities and abilities, adapt them to teaching and scientific research posts in colleges and universities as soon as possible, and gradually become qualified teachers, backbone teachers and expert teachers are of great importance to applied undergraduate colleges and universities. A pressing task. Young teachers have a high level of education, active thinking, a strong desire for knowledge, and most of them have the urgent need of self-development, so this paper is guided by the theory of people-oriented management and based on the theory of career management. From the perspective of the characteristics and laws of young teachers' growth, this paper focuses on the research on the key period of young teachers' career, and formulates the corresponding training strategies for perfecting the training work of young teachers in applied undergraduate colleges and universities. This research takes F College as a case, combines theory with demonstration, adopts the methods of literature review, case analysis, questionnaire investigation and so on, and probes into the cultivation of young teachers in newly-built applied undergraduate colleges and universities in various aspects and in many aspects. The paper consists of six parts: the first part is the introduction, which describes the purpose and significance of this study, the ideas and methods, the current situation of domestic and foreign research, and the definition of the concept involved in the paper. The second part introduces the theoretical basis of the cultivation of young teachers in applied undergraduate colleges, introduces the theory of humanistic management, the main contents of the theory of career management and its application in the training of young teachers. The third part is the characteristics and growth law of young teachers in colleges and universities. The fourth part analyzes the factors that affect the cultivation of young teachers in colleges and universities from subjective factors and objective factors. The fifth part analyzes and summarizes the current situation of the training of young teachers in F College by means of questionnaire survey, and finds out the problems existing in the training of young teachers. In the sixth part, based on the theory of humanistic management and the theory of career planning, and drawing lessons from the experience of training young teachers at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the optimization strategies to promote the cultivation of young teachers in newly-built applied undergraduate colleges and universities.


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