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发布时间:2019-03-16 15:17
【摘要】:近年来,伴随着世界经济全球化趋势的日益扩大,我国的经济体制改革不断深化,大学生的认知、思想、价值观以及心理需求也随之发生巨大变化。现在的大学生承受着一定的心理压力,伴随着压力而产生的心理问题也越来越突出,有些甚至会诱发心理疾病,如青年大学生自杀事件、药家鑫事件以及各国校园频频发生的枪击案等,都是由于心理问题导致的。大学生的心理问题如果不能及时得到调节和疏导,就有可能产生暴力倾向和暴力行为,轻者会出现精神异常、精神疾病,重者则有可能出现自杀、犯罪等严重的问题。我国高等院校的思想政治教育工作始终致力于培养大学生高尚的道德品质和正确的理想信念,切实加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的工作任重而道远。如何做好大学生思想政治教育工作是奋战在高校思想政治教育工作一线的人员所面临的理论和实践的首要问题。大学生处于特殊的年龄阶段,自我意识很强,致使传统的灌输教育很难取得理想效果,所以,如果能有目的、有计划地将心理暗示这样一种隐性的教育方式应用在大学生思想政治教育工作中,提高大学生思想政治教育的针对性、科学性和实效性,使思想政治教育工作与大学生的心理层面更加贴近,期望取得更好的教育效果,这正是我撰写本论文的初衷。 通过研究发现,本论文的具体结论有以下几点: (1)在大学生思想政治教育中应用心理暗示是可行的。大学生的身心发展特点、大学阶段教育的需要以及教学方法的改革都决定了心理暗示是可以应用在大学生思想政治教育中的。 (2)心理暗示在大学生思想政治教育中可以通过以下途径来实施:合理使用语言暗示;树立榜样,运用行为暗示;发挥教师的人格魅力进行暗示;营造良好的环境进行暗示;巧妙运用表情暗示;培养学生进行自我暗示。 (3)在大学生思想政治教育中运用心理暗示应注意的问题:一方面,要引导大学生进行积极的心理暗示,如肯定学生,鼓励进步;赏识学生,挖掘潜能;悦纳自己,自我鼓励;合理利用暗示语言。另外一方面,还要避免消极的心理暗示,避免向自己强调负面信息;别给自己贴上失败的标签;摒弃消极语言;视每一次失败为最后一次。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing trend of the globalization of the world economy, the reform of our country's economic system has been deepened, and the cognition, thought, values and psychological needs of college students have also changed enormously. Nowadays, college students are under certain psychological pressure, and the psychological problems caused by the stress are becoming more and more prominent. Some of them even lead to mental illness, such as suicide of young college students. The Yaojiaxin incident, as well as the frequent shootings on national campuses, are caused by psychological problems. If the psychological problems of college students can not be adjusted and channelled in time, there may be violent tendencies and violent behaviors, while the mild will have mental disorders, mental illness and serious problems such as suicide, crime and so on. The ideological and political education in colleges and universities in China has always been committed to cultivating students' noble moral qualities and correct ideals and beliefs, and the work of strengthening and improving ideological and political education of college students has a long way to go. How to do a good job in the ideological and political education of college students is the primary problem of theory and practice faced by the personnel working in the front line of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. College students are in a special age stage, and their self-awareness is very strong, which makes it difficult for traditional indoctrination education to achieve the desired results, so, if there is a purpose, In order to improve the pertinence, science and effectiveness of the ideological and political education of college students, the implicit way of education, such as psychological suggestion, is systematically applied to the ideological and political education of college students. To make the ideological and political education work closer to the psychological level of college students, and hope to achieve better educational results, this is my original intention to write this paper. It is found that the concrete conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) it is feasible to apply psychological cues in college students' ideological and political education. The characteristics of college students' physical and mental development, the needs of college education and the reform of teaching methods all determine that psychological cues can be applied to ideological and political education of college students. (2) Psychological suggestion can be carried out in the ideological and political education of college students through the following ways: reasonable use of language suggestion; setting up an example, using behavior suggestion; giving full play to the teacher's personality charm and hinting; creating a good environment for hinting; Skillfully use emotive cues; train students to carry out self-insinuation. (3) in the ideological and political education of college students, we should pay attention to the following problems: on the one hand, we should guide college students to carry out positive psychological hints, such as affirming students, encouraging progress, appreciating students and tapping their potential. Accept yourself and encourage yourself; make rational use of implied language. On the other hand, avoid negative psychological hints and stress negative messages to yourself; don't label yourself with failure; reject negative language; regard each failure as the last.


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1 杨美玲;;构筑心桥 融汇心灵——关于师生有效沟通的思考[J];出国与就业(就业版);2010年20期

2 杨亚t,




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