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发布时间:2019-03-16 15:08
【摘要】:高等教育事业发展过程中的关键因素是资金问题,在当代,大学办学经费来源已形成多元化态势,多渠道的资金筹措是促进高等教育快速发展的有效途径之一,而大学校友捐赠则是学校办学融资手段中的重中之重。就全球范围而言,美国的高等教育现代化进程走在前列,必然决定了需要有大量的资金投入,长期以来,美国积累了丰富的校友捐赠经验。当前,在新的时代背景下,我国高等教育事业得到了快速发展,大量的民办高校兴办起来。然而从总体来看,公立大学还是占有非常高的比重。与此同时,大学在办学过程中也面临着经费投入不足等-系列问题。如何拓宽办学经费的来源以促进我国公立大学的发展,美国公立大学校友捐赠的一系列举措,十分值得我国公立大学借鉴与思考。 大学校友捐赠是一项系统而复杂的工程。美国公立大学是校友捐赠的成功范例,无论从捐赠的途径,还是从捐赠的环境来讲,都有其独特的经验和做法。本研究立足于美国公立大学校友捐赠的实际,将文献法、内容分析法和个案法相结合,试对美国公立大学校友捐赠的特点、途径和环境等问题进行较为系统和深入的理论探讨。在此基础上,以美国著名的公立大学——密歇根大学为个案,对其校友捐赠的运作状况进行现实考察,并对其校友捐赠的因素进行分析。研究认为美国公立大学校友捐赠的主要途径是校友基金会;校友捐赠的过程中,大学领导重视、目标明确、计划详细、组织管理完善、资金透明、运作市场化、工作体系化等为其营造了良好的环境;校友捐赠的影响因素主要集中于美国社会文化的影响、国家政策法规的支持和学校的核心因素等。 近年来,随着我国高等教育的不断发展,我国公立大学也开始注重校友资源的利用。逐渐展开了校友捐赠活动的一系列举措,但仍存在诸多不足。集中体现在:校友捐赠机构不够健全,筹资运作专业人员缺乏;筹资重视程度不够,发展联络工作不到位;相关制度不健全,管理制度欠规范;基金运作方式单一,多元化经营不够。鉴于此,加强我国公立大学校友捐赠活动,营造适合我国公立大学校友捐赠发展的良好氛围和环境,建立有效的校友捐赠制度体系,已是应该提上议事日程的问题。在笔者看来,建立健全校友会、加强专业机构和队伍建设、培育健康的校友文化和建设和谐校友捐赠环境是加强我国公立大学校友捐赠发展的重要路径。
[Abstract]:The key factor in the course of the development of higher education is the problem of funds. In the contemporary era, the sources of funding for running a university have formed a diversified situation, and multi-channel fund raising is one of the effective ways to promote the rapid development of higher education. College alumni donation is the most important means of school financing. On a global scale, the process of higher education modernization in the United States is at the forefront, which must determine the need for a large amount of capital investment. For a long time, the United States has accumulated a wealth of experience in alumni donation. At present, under the background of the new era, China's higher education has been developed rapidly, and a large number of private colleges and universities have been set up. On the whole, however, public universities still account for a very high proportion. At the same time, universities are also faced with a series of problems in the process of running schools. How to widen the source of funds for running schools to promote the development of public universities in our country and a series of measures of alumni donation of American public universities are worthy of reference and ponder in our public universities. Alumni donation is a systematic and complex project. American public university is a successful example of alumni donation, both in terms of the way of donation and the environment of donation, it has its own unique experience and practice. Based on the reality of alumni donation in American public universities, this study combines literature method, content analysis method and case study to discuss systematically and deeply the characteristics, approaches and environment of alumni donation in American public universities. On this basis, taking the University of Michigan, a famous public university in the United States, as an example, this paper makes a realistic investigation on the operation of alumni donation, and analyzes the factors of alumni donation. According to the study, alumni foundation is the main way to donate alumni from American public universities. In the process of alumni donation, university leaders attach importance, clear objectives, detailed plans, perfect organization and management, transparent funds, market-oriented operation, work systematization and so on to create a good environment for them; The influencing factors of alumni donation mainly focus on the influence of American society and culture, the support of national policies and regulations, and the core factors of the school. In recent years, with the continuous development of higher education in China, public universities in China have begun to pay attention to the utilization of alumni resources. Gradually launched a series of alumni donation initiatives, but there are still many shortcomings. It is reflected in the following aspects: the alumni donation organization is not sound enough, the fund-raising operation professionals are lack; the fund-raising attention degree is not enough, the development liaison work is not in place; the related system is not perfect, the management system is not standard; Fund operation mode is single, diversification is not enough. In view of this, strengthening the activities of alumni donation of public universities, creating a favorable atmosphere and environment suitable for the development of alumni donation of public universities in China, and establishing an effective system of alumni donation have become issues that should be put on the agenda. In my opinion, establishing and perfecting alumni association, strengthening professional organization and team building, cultivating healthy alumni culture and building harmonious alumni donating environment are the important ways to strengthen the development of alumni donation in public universities in China.


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