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发布时间:2019-03-16 13:37
【摘要】:当代大学生富有朝气,是我国人才资源中最保贵的财富之一。他们思想活跃,代表着社会进步的力量,是祖国的未来,、各条战线很多岗位上都突显出他们的优势,在推动历史发展和社会进步的进程中发挥着重要作用。大学生未来的发展也越来越引起社会各界的关注。然而,由于我国现今社会改革开放、中西方文化相互碰撞、多元化与传统思想,现代意识与虚拟世界,各种价值观发生激烈冲突,使得部分大学生社会责任意识日渐淡漠。因此,引导当代大学生们建立正确、理性的价值观,培养他们的社会责任意识,使其能正确认识并自觉履行社会责任义务,不仅是高校思想政治教育的重要内容,也是构建我国社会主义和谐社会的基本要求。 本论文共分三个部分,文章的第一部分分析了责任及其相关概念和理论基础。第二部分结合当代大学生社会责任意识的调查,对调查结果以及产生的问题进行总结和原因分析。第三部分对照造成大学生社会责任意识缺失的不良因素,从高校、家庭、社会及其自身四个方面阐述培养当代大学生社会责任意识的具体对策。
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students are full of vitality and are one of the most valuable wealth in the talent resources of our country. They are active thinking, represent the strength of social progress, is the future of the motherland, many posts on all fronts highlight their advantages, in the promotion of historical development and social progress in the process of playing an important role. The future development of college students has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. However, due to the social reform and opening up in our country, the collision between Chinese and western cultures, pluralism and traditional ideas, modern consciousness and virtual world, and various values, the sense of social responsibility of some college students is becoming increasingly indifferent. Therefore, it is not only an important content of ideological and political education in colleges and universities to guide contemporary college students to establish correct and rational values, cultivate their sense of social responsibility, and enable them to recognize and consciously fulfill their obligations of social responsibility. It is also the basic requirement of constructing our socialist harmonious society. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part of this paper analyzes responsibility and its related concepts and theoretical basis. In the second part, the author summarizes and analyzes the results of the investigation and the causes of the problems according to the investigation of the consciousness of social responsibility of contemporary college students. The third part compares the bad factors that cause the lack of consciousness of social responsibility of college students, and expounds the concrete countermeasures of cultivating the consciousness of social responsibility of contemporary college students from four aspects: colleges and universities, families, society and its own.


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