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发布时间:2019-03-16 12:58
【摘要】:随着我国高等教育规模的急剧扩大及大学生就业问题、道德滑坡问题日益凸显,如何加强实践育人工作,提高大学生教育质量和能力素质,以满足21世纪对人才的需求及应对经济全球化的挑战,成为了社会各界关注的焦点。近几年,学术界对大学生实践育人工作存在的问题以及相应的对策做了大量的探讨,但大学生实践育人仍然难以走出困境值得我们深思。采用新的研究角度,拓宽实践育人的研究范围,关注实践育人的理论指导势必成为实践育人理论研究的突破口。 本文从思想政治教育的视野考查大学生实践育人活动,运用对比研究、案例研究、理论研究等方法,力求充分发挥思想政治教育在实践育人中的作用,加强实践育人每一环节的理论指导。本研究结构如下:第一章从蕴含和特点、理论基础、功能、分类四个方面,对实践育人进行了理论研究,为后文的研究做了理论铺垫。第二章,,在此基础上,引入高校思想政治教育的概念,并介绍其发展特点和启示,剖析实践育人与思想政治教育的关系,得出思想政治教育是实践育人有效开展的重要保证。第三章与第四章是本文的重点。第三章,充分发挥问题意识,指出我国实践育人工作目前遭遇的难题,并得出加强思想政治教育的现实出路。第四章是对策建议部分,理论分析水到渠成,全面、立体地提出了我国高校思想政治教育实践育人的科学对策,包括五个维度:更新实践育人理念、强化思想政治教育功能、拓展实践育人渠道、完善实践育人体系、推进实践育人社会化。这些对策从实践育人的理论准备到实践育人自身体系建设、外部体系建设,为实践育人工作提供了切实可行的科学选择,实现了思想政治教育与实践育人的有效结合。 加强实践育人中的思想政治教育是提高实践育人实效性的根本途径,是我们研究者、高校管理者、大学生社会实践组织者、社会各界须常抓不懈的重大任务。我们应通力合作,为大学生实践育人的理论和实际工作做更多的探索,为祖国的明天付出更多的努力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid expansion of the scale of higher education in China and the employment of college students, the problem of moral decline is becoming more and more prominent. How to strengthen the practice of education and improve the quality of education and ability of college students? In order to meet the needs of talents in the 21st century and to meet the challenges of economic globalization, it has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. In recent years, academic circles have done a lot of discussion on the problems existing in the practical education of college students and the corresponding countermeasures. However, it is still difficult for us to get out of the dilemma of practical education of college students. Adopting a new research angle, widening the research scope of practical education and paying attention to the theoretical guidance of practical education is bound to be a breakthrough in the theoretical research of practical education. This paper tries to give full play to the role of ideological and political education in practical education by means of contrastive study, case study, theoretical research, and so on, from the perspective of ideological and political education. Strengthen the practice of every link of theoretical guidance. The structure of this study is as follows: the first chapter makes a theoretical study of practical education from four aspects: implication and characteristics, theoretical basis, function and classification, which provides a theoretical foundation for the later research. The second chapter, on this basis, introduces the concept of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, introduces its development characteristics and enlightenment, analyzes the relationship between practical education and ideological and political education, and concludes that ideological and political education is an important guarantee for the effective development of practical education. The third and fourth chapters are the focus of this paper. In the third chapter, give full play to the problem consciousness, point out the difficult problems that our country practice educates the person work at present, and draw the realistic outlet to strengthen the ideological and political education. The fourth chapter is the part of countermeasures and suggestions, the theoretical analysis of the natural, comprehensive, three-dimensional ideological and political education in China's ideological and political education and scientific countermeasures, including five dimensions: renew the concept of practical education, strengthen the function of ideological and political education. Expand the channels of practical education, improve the system of practical education, and promote the socialization of practical education. From the theoretical preparation of practical education to the construction of self-system and external system of practical education, these countermeasures provide a feasible scientific choice for practical education and realize the effective combination of ideological and political education and practical education. Strengthening ideological and political education in practical education is the fundamental way to improve the effectiveness of practical education. It is the important task of our researchers, administrators of colleges and universities, organizers of college students' social practice, and all walks of life in society. We should work together to do more exploration for college students to practice the theory and practice of educating people, and to pay more efforts for the future of the motherland.


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