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发布时间:2019-03-18 11:53
[Abstract]:In recent years, our country university student employment guidance service work has made considerable progress, all levels of colleges and universities have different degrees of development. As a national "985" key construction of the Northeast University, its employment has also won the national, provincial, municipal and other levels of honor, standing on a new historical starting point. In order to further promote the employment of Northeast University to a higher level, it is necessary to use more scientific thinking and more effective ways to find problems and seek countermeasures. Therefore, using the system theory and control theory for reference, this paper clarifies the various systems in which the employment work of Northeast University is located, uses a wide range of interview methods and a large-scale discussion, and understands the information feedback from the various elements of the system. Find out the problem from it, and give the corresponding countermeasure. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter mainly expounds the purpose and significance of this study and summarizes the existing research results. The second chapter mainly defines the related concepts, introduces the relevant theoretical basis and briefly describes the overall situation of employment work in colleges and universities in our country; the third chapter, through on-the-spot investigation and interview, points out the problems and reasons of the employment guidance service of students in Northeast University; The fourth chapter puts forward the countermeasures for the above reasons; the fifth chapter is the conclusion of this study and the shortcomings of the study. This paper holds that it is of great significance to analyze the problems and countermeasures existing in the employment of students in Northeast University at the present stage in order to promote the development of schools and lead the employment work of universities at the same level in the whole country. Only by making clear the various systems in which the students' employment work lies in Northeast University and analyzing the relationship between the various elements in the system can we grasp the problems existing in the employment work in the present stage more deeply. In view of this situation, Northeast University must pay more attention to the construction of soft environment in the future, and rely more on the joint efforts of various parts in order to realize the employment of students to a new level.


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