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发布时间:2019-03-18 21:24
【摘要】:经济全球化的浪潮促使我国对高层次的应用型人才的需求日益增加,也对高等工程教育提出了更高的要求。而我国的高等工程教育长期存在实践教学薄弱和工程性缺失的问题,高校学生创新能力和工程实践能力的不足,严重阻碍了我国工业企业转型和经济的发展。国家教育部于2010年启动了“卓越工程师教育培养计划”(以下简称“卓越计划”)的重大改革项目。该计划旨在培养一批适应知识经济时代的高素质的各类型现代工程技术人才。对我国建设有中国特色的社会主义现代高等工程教育体系,促进我国从工程教育大国走向工程教育强国有重要的示范和引导作用。 博耶学术思想是当代美国杰出教育家欧内斯特·博耶(Ernest·L·Boyer)提出的一系列教育思想,在20世纪后期对美国甚至全世界的高等教育产生了深远的影响。他反对传统的学术科研观,提出了一种新的学术范式,将学术分为各不相同又互相联系的四个方面:探究学术、应用学术、综合学术、教学学术,并认为各所大学应有多样化的培养模式,从自身的合理定位出发,反对单一的高等教育“向上漂移”。博耶学术教育思想为我国更好地实施“卓越计划”提供了理论基础,能够有效指导我国实施“卓越计划”的实践。吸取博耶学术思想的精华,将之用于我国的工程实践教学,有助于提高我国高校学生的创新能力和工程实践能力,确保培养人才的水平和质量。 本文在分析博耶学术思想产生的历史背景、主要内涵以及对美国高等教育影响的基础上,结合中国高等工程教育的实际,对高等工程教育的重大改革战略——“卓越计划”进行了系统的研究。博耶学术思想为美国高等教育的改革和发展做出了重大的贡献。从博耶学术思想视域出发,探索更好地实施“卓越计划”的途径和方法,必定会提高高校学生的工程实践意识和能力,提高我国高等工程教育的培养质量。全文主要分为五个部分: 第一部分是绪论。介绍了本文的研究背景和意义、国内外研究现状、主要内容以及研究的方法和创新之处。 第二部分是博耶学术思想及其对美国高等教育的影响。从产生的历史背景和主要内涵两方面介绍了博耶学术思想,,并分析了其对美国高等教育产生的影响。 第三部分介绍了“卓越计划”的启动背景、理论内涵,阐述了该计划的人才培养标准、人才培养模式以及实施进展情况。 第四部分阐述了基于博耶学术思想探讨“卓越工程师教育培养计划”建设的必要性和原则。 第五部分总结了博耶学术思想对于建设“卓越计划”的启示。
[Abstract]:With the tide of economic globalization, the demand for high-level applied talents in our country is increasing day by day, and higher engineering education is also put forward. However, the weakness of practical teaching and lack of engineering in higher engineering education in our country for a long time, and the deficiency of innovative ability and engineering practical ability of college students seriously hinder the transformation of industrial enterprises and the development of economy in China. In 2010, the Ministry of Education launched a major reform program of the Program for the Education and training of Excellence Engineers (hereinafter referred to as the Program of Excellence). The plan aims to train a group of high-quality modern engineering technicians who adapt to the era of knowledge-based economy. It is an important example and guide for our country to build a modern socialist engineering education system with Chinese characteristics and to promote our country from a large engineering education country to a powerful engineering education country. Boyer's academic thought is a series of educational ideas put forward by Ernest L. Boyer, an outstanding American educator, which had a profound influence on the higher education in the United States and the whole world in the late 20th century. He opposes the traditional view of academic research and puts forward a new academic paradigm, which divides learning into four different and interrelated aspects: inquiry learning, applied learning, comprehensive learning, teaching learning, and so on. It also holds that universities should have diversified training models, and oppose the "upward drift" of single higher education from their own reasonable orientation. Boye's thought of academic education provides a theoretical basis for the better implementation of the "Plan of Excellence" in China, and can effectively guide the implementation of the "Plan of Excellence" in our country. Absorbing the essence of Boye's academic thought and applying it to engineering practice teaching in our country is helpful to improve the innovation ability and engineering practice ability of college students in our country, and to ensure the level and quality of cultivating talents. On the basis of analyzing the historical background, the main connotation and the influence on American higher education of Boyer's academic thought, this paper combines the reality of Chinese higher engineering education. The great reform strategy of higher engineering education-"Plan of Excellence" is systematically studied. Boyer's academic thought has made a great contribution to the reform and development of American higher education. From the perspective of Boye's academic thought, exploring the ways and methods to better implement the "excellent plan" will certainly improve the college students' engineering practice consciousness and ability, and improve the training quality of our country's higher engineering education. The full text is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction. This paper introduces the research background and significance, domestic and foreign research status, main contents, research methods and innovations. The second part is Boyer's academic thought and its influence on American higher education. This paper introduces Boyer's academic thought from two aspects of historical background and main connotation, and analyzes its influence on American higher education. The third part introduces the starting background and theoretical connotation of "Outstanding Plan", and expounds the standard of talent training, the mode of talent training and the progress of its implementation. The fourth part discusses the necessity and principle of "excellent engineer Education training Plan" based on Boyer's academic thought. The fifth part summarizes the enlightenment of Boyer's academic thought to the construction of "Outstanding Plan".


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