[Abstract]:Hu Jintao's theoretical conception of socialist harmonious society is the development goal of socialist society with Chinese characteristics. Harmonious individual, harmonious family and harmonious campus are the embodiment of harmonious society. Individual harmony, family harmony and campus harmony are the basis of realizing social harmony. How the responsibility consciousness of college students directly affects the development level of socialist harmonious society. Strengthening the sense of responsibility of college students is the objective requirement of the socialist harmonious society, the realistic need of the development of the times, and the inherent requirement and fundamental embodiment of the all-round development of the college students. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore the cultivation of college students' responsibility consciousness from the perspective of harmonious society. The full text is divided into four parts: introduction: mainly discusses the reason and significance of the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, research ideas and methods, and so on, so as to make the basic preparation for the smooth development of the paper. The first chapter analyzes the importance and necessity of cultivating college students' sense of responsibility on the basis of Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings and the theory of the relationship between rights and obligations. Chapter two: taking Guangxi University as a sample, this paper analyzes the present situation of college students' responsibility consciousness by means of questionnaires and individual interviews, and sums up the existing problems and causes of college students' responsibility consciousness. Chapter three: from four aspects: establishing the idea of self-education of college students, strengthening the cultivation of college students' sense of family responsibility, optimizing the education of responsibility consciousness of colleges and universities, and optimizing the social environment of cultivating college students' sense of responsibility. This paper puts forward the path of cultivating college students' responsibility consciousness from the perspective of harmonious society, and tries their best to construct an integrated training system of social, school, family and individual cooperation to promote the effectiveness of the cultivation of college students' responsibility consciousness.
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