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发布时间:2019-03-19 19:08
【摘要】:随着我国就业体制的变化和高等院校的扩招,,大学生就业问题十分突出,成为整个社会普遍关注的焦点问题。党的十八大报告提出,大学生创业对我国经济的发展起着至关重要的作用,大学生创业不仅可以解决自身的就业问题,而且能提供更多的就业机会。从目前的情况来看,我国大学生创业存在很多问题:创业人数过少,创业成功率过低,大学生创办的企业可持续发展能力弱。产生上述现象的原因是多方面的,需要从政府、社会、企业、高校、家庭各个方面去共同努力,为大学生创业营造良好的环境。 女大学生作为大学生的重要组成部分,如何促进他们的创业成为非常重要的问题。研究女大学生的创业问题不仅有利于缓解我国的就业压力,而且对高等教育的发展以及女性社会地位的提高有着极其重要的作用。近年来,国家不断出台的促进大学生创业的政策和措施,为大学生创业营造了良好的社会环境,越来越多的女大学生投身到创业活动当中。但是,由于受传统性别文化的影响,创业领域仍然是男性主导的领域,女大学生在创业过程中面临着更多的困难,缺乏相应的环境支持。我国对女大学生的创业环境研究不论从理论方面还是实践方面都非常薄弱。 本文研究了女大学生创业的环境问题,论文共分五章,第一章主要包括研究背景、研究目的、研究意义、研究内容以及研究方法;第二章主要对女大学生创业环境的理论研究进行了探讨;第三章分析了女大学生创业的现状以及影响女大学生创业的因素;第四章介绍了日本、美国等发达国家对女大学生创业的环境支持;第五章提出了完善女大学生创业环境的对策与建议。 论文结合国外先进经验,分析了女大学生创业环境问题,提出了解决女大学生创业问题的对策,对女大学生的创业具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:With the change of employment system in our country and the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the employment problem of college students is very prominent, which has become the focus of general concern of the whole society. According to the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, college students' entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic development of our country. College students' entrepreneurship can not only solve their own employment problems, but also provide more employment opportunities. According to the present situation, there are many problems in the entrepreneurship of college students in our country: the number of startups is too small, the success rate of entrepreneurship is too low, and the ability of sustainable development of enterprises founded by college students is weak. The reasons for this phenomenon are various, and it is necessary to work together from the government, society, enterprises, universities and families to create a good environment for college students to start their own businesses. Female college students as an important part of college students, how to promote their entrepreneurship has become a very important issue. The study of female college students' entrepreneurship is not only helpful to alleviate the employment pressure in China, but also plays an important role in the development of higher education and the improvement of women's social status. In recent years, the national policies and measures to promote college students' entrepreneurship have created a good social environment for college students' entrepreneurship, and more female college students are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. However, because of the influence of traditional gender culture, entrepreneurship is still a male-dominated field, female college students face more difficulties in the process of entrepreneurship, lack of corresponding environmental support. The research on the entrepreneurial environment of female college students in China is very weak both in theory and in practice. This paper studies the environmental problems of female college students' entrepreneurship. The first chapter mainly includes the research background, research purpose, research significance, research content and research methods. The second chapter mainly discusses the theoretical research of female college students' entrepreneurial environment, and the third chapter analyzes the current situation of female college students' entrepreneurship and the factors that affect female college students' entrepreneurship. The fourth chapter introduces the environmental support of female college students in Japan, America and other developed countries, and the fifth chapter puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the entrepreneurial environment of female college students. Combining with the advanced experience of foreign countries, this paper analyzes the problem of female college students' entrepreneurial environment, and puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problem of female college students' entrepreneurship, which has certain reference value for female college students' entrepreneurship.


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