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发布时间:2019-03-24 12:34
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the government-led agricultural extension system has been established in the planned economy system, which has made important contributions to promoting grain production, increasing agricultural efficiency, increasing farmers' income and ensuring national food security in various periods. However, with the deepening of China's reform and opening-up, the farmers' production and life style has undergone tremendous changes, the scientific and technological content of agricultural production has been significantly improved, the system in the traditional agricultural technology extension system is not perfect, and the investment of funds is insufficient. It is more and more difficult to adapt to the needs of agricultural development in the new period, and push forward the reform of agricultural extension system urgently. Starting from the mature experience of agricultural extension in developed countries in Europe and the United States, this paper summarizes the role played by colleges and universities in the construction of agricultural extension system in various periods in China. In-depth analysis of the historical opportunities and challenges faced by colleges and universities in the construction of the new agricultural extension system, combined with the exploration and attempt of colleges and universities in the construction of agricultural extension system, puts forward that colleges and universities should combine the national conditions of our country in the reform of agricultural extension system. Focusing on the idea of serving the society, serving the construction of a new socialist countryside and providing scientific and technological support, making use of the scientific, technological and human resources of the school, we will promote the innovation of the concept of service-oriented, and improve the construction of a mechanism based on public welfare. Make effective use of diversified means of agricultural extension, solve the problems brought about by the imperfection of the agricultural extension system, integrate all kinds of resources, improve the overall capacity of local agricultural extension human resources, and better meet the needs of the development of the market economy, To promote the agricultural extension of colleges and universities to achieve practical results, to make greater contributions to the construction of new socialist countryside.


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