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发布时间:2019-03-23 19:46
【摘要】:所谓公民意识,是指一个国家的社会成员对于其与这个国家的关系及其在这个社会中的地位和应该发挥作用的一种主观认知。李慎之先生曾说:“千差距、万差距,缺乏公民意识,是中国与先进国家最大的差距。”1美国著名社会学家英格尔斯认为:“一个国家要想成为真正的现代化国家,必须使她的国民成为现代人,使她的国民在心理和行为上拥有现代化公民意识。”2国民具备公民意识是社会主义民主政治建设和现代化发展的必然要求。由于受历史和现实、客观和主观等因素的影响,国民并没有形成应有的公民意识,而我国社会主义现代化建设和政治体制改革迫切需要具备国家意识、民主意识、主体与权责意识、参与意识的现代公民。 大学生被誉为天之骄子,被称为国家的希望、民族的未来,是具有较高知识文化水平的特殊群体。这个群体的现代公民意识程度对我国政治体制改革的成功推进和现代化建设的顺利实现具有重要意义,但大学生公民意识的提升又是一项重大而复杂的系统工程,需要学校、家庭、社会等各方面的密切配合,本文主要是从高校教育方面来探析如何提升大学生公民意识。 本文主要采用了文献研究法、调查研究法、访谈研究法、系统分析法等研究方法,除导论、附录和结语外,全文共分为三个部分,约三万二千字。 第一部分,通过对大学生公民意识进行概述,以明确对大学生公民意识的认识,结合目前学界研究现状,提出大学生公民意识的内容,为下一步研究奠定基础。 第二部分,以重庆6所高校的学生为调查对象展开调查,通过调查数据分析大学生公民意识的现状及其成因。大学生公民意识的现状主要表现在以下四个方面:国家意识不深刻,政治意识不成熟、民主意识不充足、主体与权责意识不浓厚,而成因主要有学校教育存在问题和家庭与社会的消极影响两方面。 第三部分,针对大学生公民意识的现状及其成因分析,结合中国实际,,提出切实可行的有效对策。首先,树立务实、开放、长远的大学生公民意识教育观,形成对大学生公民意识教育的正确认识,树立正确的大学生公民意识教育观,是推动大学生公民意识教育有效开展的前提;其次,从大学生公民意识教育目标的确立及教育内容体系的完善两方面,构建科学的大学生公民意识教育体系,克服现行公民意识教育体系性不足的缺陷;最后,从鼓励大学生积极参与高校民主管理、重视校园民主选举活动、有针对性地组织多种课外实践活动方面,全面加强对大学生公民意识的训育。
[Abstract]:The so-called civic consciousness refers to the subjective cognition of the social members of a country about their relationship with the country, their status in the society and their role to play. Mr. Li Shenzhi once said: "one thousand gaps, ten thousand gaps and a lack of civic awareness are the biggest gaps between China and advanced countries." 1Ingles, a famous American sociologist, believes: "if a country wants to become a truly modern country, It is necessary to make her people a modern man and to make her citizens possess the modern civic consciousness in psychology and behavior. "2 it is the inevitable requirement of socialist democratic political construction and modernization development that citizens possess civic consciousness." As a result of the influence of historical and realistic, objective and subjective factors, the citizens have not formed the civic consciousness that they should be, and the socialist modernization construction and the reform of the political system in our country urgently need to have the consciousness of the state and the consciousness of democracy. Subject and consciousness of power and responsibility, participation consciousness of modern citizens. College students are known as the proud son of heaven, called the hope of the country, the future of the nation, is a special group with a higher level of knowledge and culture. The degree of modern citizen consciousness of this group is of great significance to the successful promotion of political system reform and the smooth realization of modernization construction in our country, but the promotion of college students' citizenship consciousness is a significant and complex system engineering, which requires schools. Family, society and other aspects of close cooperation, this paper mainly from the aspects of college education to explore how to promote the civic awareness of college students. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature research, investigation, interview and systematic analysis. Besides the introduction, the appendix and the conclusion, the thesis is divided into three parts, about 32,000 words. In the first part, through the summary of college students' citizenship consciousness, the author puts forward the content of college students' citizenship consciousness and lays the foundation for the next research through the clear understanding of the university students' citizenship consciousness and the present research situation in the academic field. In the second part, the students from six colleges and universities in Chongqing are investigated, and the status quo and causes of civic consciousness of college students are analyzed through the survey data. The present situation of college students' citizenship consciousness mainly manifests in the following four aspects: the national consciousness is not deep, the political consciousness is not mature, the democratic consciousness is insufficient, the subject and responsibility consciousness is not strong. The causes mainly include the problems of school education and the negative influence of family and society. In the third part, according to the present situation and cause of formation of college students' citizenship consciousness, combined with the reality of China, this paper puts forward some feasible and effective countermeasures. First of all, set up a pragmatic, open, long-term concept of civic awareness education of college students, form a correct understanding of the education of civic awareness of college students, set up a correct concept of civic consciousness education of college students. It is the premise to promote the effective development of the civic consciousness education of college students; Secondly, from the two aspects of establishing the goal of civic consciousness education and perfecting the educational content system, we should construct a scientific civic consciousness education system for college students, and overcome the deficiency of the current system of civic consciousness education. Finally, we should encourage college students to actively participate in the democratic management of colleges and universities, attach importance to the activities of democratic election on campus, and organize a variety of extracurricular practical activities in order to strengthen the training of the civic consciousness of college students in an all-round way.


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