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发布时间:2019-03-26 15:27
【摘要】:独立学院是中国高等教育办学体制改革创新的成果,历经十余年的快速发展,为促进高等教育大众化做出了贡献。成都地区目前有七所独立学院,伴随这些独立学院的成长,如何制定科学合理的教师考核体系、构建一支高效敬业务实的教师队伍、打造一流的独立学院并确保独立学院的持久发展,是目前各独立学院董事会和管理层关心并思考的问题。在独立学院的办学过程中,教学工作是重点,而教师是展开所有工作的核心。若能在行政管理部门的管理方针指引下,从各独立学院的院情出发,建立一套与自己学院的宏观发展目标相匹配的教师考核体系具有重要而深远的意义。 本文重申教师考核对于学校管理的重要性,抽取成都地区的四所独立学院,在笔者对教师考核现状进行初步预调查的基础上,整理并拟定了相关调查问题,通过问卷和访谈的形式对这四所学校进行调查研究,然后对调研数据和结果进行科学研究,了解目前独立学院教师考核的现状和考核成效,并分析得出考核存在的问题。本文从教育部门的宏观管理、独立学院的自我管理情况和教师考核的具体问题三方面分析目前独立学院教师考核的基本情况。之后运用管理学相关知识,并借鉴美国、英国、加拿大等国高校管理中有关教师考核的经验和国内一系列教师考核的经验,为解决目前教师考核中的问题提供科学、合理的对策建议。 本文在给出考核对策建议的时候,设定了考核的四项基本原则,,力求把握教师考核的宏观方向。在具体的对策建议中,一方面强调教育行政部门和独立学院管理层的统筹管理,另一方面以切实解决目前存在的问题为目的,从拟定科学的考评体系相关方面给出建议。相信本文的研究成果不仅能使独立学院的内部考核管理工作更加科学合理高效,而且会提高教师的考核参与度并督促教师进行自我管理和目标管理,同时能为教育管理部门宏观把握独立学院的教师考核现状提供事实依据。
[Abstract]:Independent college is the result of the reform and innovation of higher education system in China. After more than ten years of rapid development, it has contributed to the popularization of higher education. At present, there are seven independent colleges in Chengdu. With the growth of these independent colleges, how to formulate a scientific and reasonable assessment system for teachers and to build an efficient, dedicated and pragmatic team of teachers? Building first-class independent colleges and ensuring the sustainable development of independent colleges is a matter of concern and consideration for the boards and management of independent academies. In the process of running an independent college, teaching is the focus, and teachers are the core of all work. It is of great and far-reaching significance to set up a set of teacher assessment system which matches the macro-development goal of our own college under the guidance of the administrative department's management policy and from the conditions of each independent college. This paper reiterates the importance of teacher assessment to school management, and extracts four independent colleges in Chengdu area. On the basis of preliminary pre-investigation on the current situation of teacher assessment, the author sorts out and formulates the relevant investigation questions. Through the form of questionnaire and interview, the four schools are investigated and studied, and then the research data and results are studied scientifically to understand the current situation and results of teachers' assessment in independent colleges, and to analyze the problems existing in the assessment. This paper analyzes the basic situation of teacher assessment in independent colleges from three aspects: macro-management of education department, self-management of independent colleges and concrete problems of teacher assessment. Then using the relevant knowledge of management science, and drawing lessons from the experience of university management in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, and a series of experiences of teacher assessment in China, to provide a scientific solution to the problems in the current teacher assessment. Reasonable countermeasures and suggestions. In order to grasp the macro-direction of teachers' assessment, four basic principles of assessment are set up in this paper. In the concrete countermeasures and suggestions, on the one hand, it emphasizes the overall management of education administration and independent college management, on the other hand, in order to effectively solve the existing problems, it gives some suggestions from the relevant aspects of the scientific evaluation system. It is believed that the research results of this paper can not only make the internal assessment management of independent colleges more scientific, reasonable and efficient, but also improve teachers' participation in assessment and urge teachers to carry out self-management and objective management. At the same time, it can provide the factual basis for the educational management department to grasp the status quo of teachers' assessment in independent colleges macroscopically.


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