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发布时间:2019-03-27 15:32
[Abstract]:The popularization of higher education requires a large-scale expansion of enrollment in ordinary colleges and universities in our country, and the direct result of the expansion is the rapid increase in the number of college graduates, and the low employment rate of college students is an urgent problem to be solved in the social development. Encouraging college students to start a business is one of the ways to alleviate social employment. On the basis of the theory of entrepreneurship education, it is more important to strengthen the teaching staff of entrepreneurship practice in colleges and universities. The establishment of the case information base of college students' entrepreneurship education is the most important auxiliary teaching material in teaching practice, which is beneficial to the curriculum design and teaching method research of college entrepreneurship education. Taking the case of college students' entrepreneurship in Jiangxi Province as an example, this paper explores the information base of college students' entrepreneurship cases in accordance with China's national conditions, and provides practical guidance for college students' entrepreneurship education. This paper provides supplementary teaching materials for the case courses of entrepreneurship education for college students, and provides a valuable bridge for exploring the theory and practice of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in accordance with the national conditions of China.
【作者单位】: 江西师范大学商学院;


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