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发布时间:2019-03-27 18:58
【摘要】:大学生的诚信意识教育问题是一个常说常新的话题,诚信作为中华传统美德的一个重要组成部分,需要后来人去传承、去发展,而传承和发展的重要手段之一就是教育。本文分为三个部分去介绍大学生诚信意识教育。 第一章首先介绍了诚信作为中国传统文化的一部分,它的内涵和演变。以及,诚信和诚信意识教育的内在联系。其次,介绍了诚信意识教育的现实需要。它不仅仅是实现高校培养目标的需要,也是良好学风建设的需要,同时又是构建和谐社会的需要和倡导社会主义核心价值观的需要。最后介绍了,就目前情况而言,这种针对性的教育虽然取得了一定的成果,,但是效果并不尽如人意,在某些环节上还存在着很多问题。 第二章着重来介绍诚信意识教育所要遵循的两个规律:第一,开展诚信意识教育必须要认识到大学生的身心发展的规律和特征。要了解当今的大学生的思想认识还存在一定的过渡性、复杂性和践行性。第二,开展诚信意识教育要认真研究诚信意识教育的具体环节是否既符合社会发展的规律又符合教育发展的规律,要在诚信认识教育、诚信情感教育、诚信意志教育、诚信行为教育各环节努力改进,是教育环节更加完善、合理。 第三章主要是研究大学生诚信意识教育的具体路径。首先要切实增强大学生的思想素质。既要坚定马克思主义信仰、共产主义信念,又要继承中国优秀诚信文化传统。争取建立起科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。其次,要重视环境对人的作用,发挥环境在教育中的巨大影响作用,营造良好的家庭环境、学校环境和社会环境。再次,介绍了实践在实现大学生诚信意识教育中的关键性作用以及具体的实践方法。最后,介绍了要建立起长效的诚信意识的教育体制。 总之,大学生的诚信意识教育问题一直是一个倍受瞩目的课题,提高大学生诚信意识教育的教育效果是诚信意识教育问题解决的重要标准,本文仅从诚信意识教育的几个环节入手,通过分析现状和存在问题给出了相应的解决措施,争取使大学生诚信意识教育早日取得可喜成果。
[Abstract]:As an important part of Chinese traditional virtue, honesty and credit needs to be inherited and developed later, and one of the important means of inheritance and development is education. This article is divided into three parts to introduce the honesty awareness education of college students. The first chapter first introduces the integrity as a part of Chinese traditional culture, its connotation and evolution. And, good faith and honesty consciousness education intrinsic connection. Secondly, it introduces the realistic needs of honesty consciousness education. It is not only the need to achieve the training objectives of colleges and universities, but also the need to build a good style of study, at the same time, it is also the need to build a harmonious society and to advocate the core values of socialism. Finally, as far as the current situation is concerned, although this kind of targeted education has achieved certain results, but the effect is not satisfactory, there are still many problems in some links. The second chapter mainly introduces the two laws that should be followed in the education of honesty consciousness: first, we must realize the law and characteristics of the development of college students' body and mind in order to carry out the education of honesty consciousness. It is necessary to understand the transition, complexity and practice of college students. Secondly, to carry out the education of honesty consciousness, we should carefully study whether the concrete links of the education of honesty consciousness accord with the law of social development and the law of education development, and that we should educate the awareness of honesty, the emotional education of honesty, and the will of honesty. The integrity behavior education every link diligently improves, is the education link more perfect, reasonable. The third chapter mainly studies the concrete path of college students' honesty consciousness education. First of all, we should enhance the ideological quality of college students. We should not only firmly believe in Marxism, communism, but also inherit the tradition of good faith and good faith in China. Strive to establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values. Secondly, we should pay attention to the role of environment on human beings, give full play to the great influence of environment in education, and create a good family environment, school environment and social environment. Thirdly, this paper introduces the key role and practical methods of practice in the education of college students' honesty consciousness. Finally, this paper introduces the educational system of establishing a long-term sense of good faith. In a word, the problem of college students' honesty consciousness education has always been a subject of great concern, and improving the educational effect of college students' honesty consciousness education is an important standard to solve the problem of honesty consciousness education. Based on the analysis of the present situation and the existing problems, this paper puts forward the corresponding measures to solve the problems in the education of honesty consciousness, in order to make the education of honesty consciousness of college students obtain gratifying results as soon as possible.


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