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发布时间:2019-03-30 09:32
【摘要】:伴随着我国经济体制改革的不断深化以及大众化高等教育的普及,多样化的社会要求和激烈的就业竞争构成了当代大学毕业生复杂的就业环境。面对大学毕业生就业难的问题,女大学毕业生作为一个就业弱势群体,她们的就业需求应得到充分关注。为了使女大学毕业生获得既满足就业期望又满足社会需求的工作,提高其就业满意度,实现人力资源的合理配置,女大学毕业生就业期望对社会需求的适应性问题正是一个不容忽视的课题。 本研究以我国重点大学本科女毕业生为研究对象,通过抽样问卷调查湖北省三所"211工程”高校:中国地质大学(武汉)、华中师范大学、华中农业大学的300位2012届本科女毕业生,以及参加2012届供需双选会的159家用人单位,实证分析重点大学本科女毕业生的就业期望情况,社会需求状况,及其两者的适应状况。研究结果显示,重点大学本科女毕业生的就业期望趋于现实,但是与社会需求之间仍存在矛盾。为引导该类女大学毕业生的就业期望适应社会需求,本研究针对二者存在的矛盾提出七点建议:政府需建立就业信息服务体系,及时反馈就业信息;女大学毕业生应注重职业生涯规划;政府需加强法律法规与制度建设,着力遏制就业中的性别歧视行为;用人单位需正视女性价值,逐步平等对待女性就业;社会需客观评价女大学毕业生,为其提供宽容的舆论环境;家长与女大学毕业生需转变就业观念:重点高校需全面开展职业生涯规划教育,并不断增强思想政治教育的实效性。全文共分为六章。 第一章是绪论。此部分介绍的主要内容包括问题的提出,研究目的和意义,研究对象、研究方法和研究思路。此外,该章对就业期望、社会需求和适应性三个概念进行界定。 第二章是研究基础,着重分析国内外相关研究现状,总结出当前研究存在的问题及其发展趋势。此外,第二章运用特性因素理论、职业发展理论、二元劳动力市场理论和改造工作理论,对女大学毕业生的就业期望适应社会需求的应然性进行分析。 第三章以问卷调查结果为基础,实证分析重点大学本科女毕业生在择业前已有的就业期望。首先实证分析她们的各种具体期望内容,主要包括对起薪水平的期望、对工作地点的期望、对工作单位性质的期望、对工作类别的期望。接着分析其就业价值取向,具体分析了她们对自身就业前景的态度、获取就业信息的主要途径、对“专业对口”的看法和择业过程中所看重的因素。 第四章以对用人单位的问卷调查结果为基础,分析大学生基层就业项目和其他用人单位对重点大学本科女毕业生的需求。首先,基于中国特色的发展需求,通过描述分析我国四项大学生基层项目以说明国家基层对大学毕业生存在迫切要求。其次,分析其他用人单位需求的调查结果,具体阐述了用人单位对重点大学本科女毕业生的数量需求和需求的增减趋势,并分析用人单位对她们的素质要求,包括专业要求和个人综合素质。 第五章对重点大学本科女毕业生的就业期望与社会实际需求进行关联性分析。首先,将她们择业前的就业期望与社会需求的适应性进行分析。通过分析她们对国家大学生基层就业项目的响应程度说明该类女大学毕业生满足国家用人需求的情况,具体分析其对基层就业项目的了解程度,参与基层工作的意愿。继而在分析其他单位的需求时,具体将期望的起薪水平与实际起薪水平、期望的工作单位条件与实际单位条件、期望的工作类别与实际工作类别进行对比分析。其次,分析该类女大学毕业生在择业过程中对就业期望进行调适的情况,包括对国家基层就业项目的态度、起薪水平、工作地点、工作类别进行自我调适的状况。再次,通过统计她们的就业签约人数,并将她们调整后的就业期望与就业实际条件进行对比,呈现她们调适就业期望的结果。最后,在实证分析的基础上,总结出重点大学本科女毕业生的就业期望不适应社会需求的五点矛盾,并详细分析了产生矛盾的原因。 第六章提出缓解重点大学本科女毕业生的就业期望与社会实际需求之间矛盾的建议,主要从形成合理公正的社会需求和女大学毕业生形成理性的就业期望两方面着手,建议政府、用人单位、高校、家庭和女大学毕业生个人共同努力。 就业期望是否适应社会实际需求是关乎大学毕业生就业成败的重要环节。女大学毕业生就业的弱势地位明显,其就业期望具有自身的特殊性,存在各种不适应社会需求的具体问题。为帮助她们寻找到个人期望与社会需求相当的职业,社会各界应该关注女大学毕业生的就业期望,了解她们的需要与社会实际,加大对女大学毕业生就业的支持力度。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the economic system of our country and the popularization of the higher education, the diverse social demands and the fierce employment competition form the complex employment environment of the graduates of the contemporary university. In the face of the difficult employment of college graduates, female university graduates, as a vulnerable group of employment, should be given full attention to their employment needs. In order to get the graduates of the female university to meet the job expectation and meet the demand of the society, to improve their job satisfaction, to realize the reasonable allocation of human resources, the employment expectation of the female college graduates is a problem that can not be neglected. This study is based on the research object of the undergraduate female graduate of the key university in China, and through the sampling survey, the three "211 Project" universities in Hubei Province: China University of Geology (Wuhan), Central China Normal University, and the 300-digit 2012 undergraduate female of Central China Agricultural University In addition,159 employers participating in the 2012 supply-and-demand and supply-and-demand double-selection meeting, the positive analysis of the employment expectation of the female graduates of the key university, the situation of social demand, and the adaptation of the two. The results of the study show that the employment expectation of the graduates of the key university graduates tends to be realistic, but there is still a spears between the demand of the society and the social demand. To guide the employment of this class of female college graduates to meet the social needs, this study puts forward seven points for the contradiction between the two. The government needs to set up the employment information service system and feed back the employment information in time. The graduates of the female college should pay attention to the career rules. The government needs to strengthen the laws and regulations and the construction of the system, and strive to contain the gender-based discrimination in the employment; the employing unit needs to face the female value and gradually treat the female employment gradually; the society needs to evaluate the graduates of the female university objectively and provide them with a tolerant opinion ring Situation; Parents and Female University Graduates need to change the concept of employment: the key universities need to carry out the career planning education in a comprehensive way and constantly enhance the effectiveness of the ideological and political education The full text is divided into six Chapter I It is an introduction. The main contents of this section include the presentation of the problem, the purpose and significance of the research, the research object, the research method and the research. In addition, that chapter introduce three concepts of employment expectation, social demand and adaptability. The second chapter is the basis of the research, and focuses on the analysis of the present research situation at home and abroad, and summarizes the problems existing in the current research. In addition, the second chapter uses the characteristic factor theory, the career development theory, the dual-labor market theory and the reform work theory, and the employment expectation of the female university graduates to meet the social demand The third chapter is based on the results of the questionnaire. The results of the third chapter are based on the results of the questionnaire. An empirical analysis of their specific expectations, including the expectation of the start-up level, the expectations of the duty station, the expectations of the nature of the work unit, Then analyze their employment value orientation, and analyze their attitude to their employment prospects, the main ways to get employment information, the view of the "professional counterpart" and the process of job selection. The fourth chapter is based on the questionnaire results of the employing unit, and analyzes the university student's basic employment program and other employing unit's emphasis on the key university First, based on the development demand of Chinese characteristics, the four college students' basic-level projects in our country are analyzed and analyzed to illustrate the national grass-roots level to the university Secondly, the survey results of the needs of other employers are analyzed, and the trend of increasing or decreasing the demand and demand of the female graduates of the key university by the employing unit is described in detail, and the requirements of the employing unit for their quality are analyzed, including the specialty. Requirements and the comprehensive quality of the individual. The fifth chapter is about the employment expectation and the society of the graduates of the key university. Analysis of the relevance of the actual demand. First of all, the employment expectation and the society before they are selected Through the analysis of their response to the national college students' base-level employment program, the paper makes a concrete analysis of their understanding of the basic-level employment projects. The willingness to participate in the grass-roots work. In turn, when analyzing the needs of other units, the expected salary level and actual salary level, the expected working unit condition and the actual unit condition, the expected working class and the real unit condition are expected. Secondly, the paper analyzes the adjustment of the employment expectation of the graduates in the process of career selection, including the attitude, the starting salary level, the duty station and the work of the country's basic-level employment project. The status of self-adaptation in the category. Again, by counting their number of employment contracts and comparing their adjusted employment expectations with the actual conditions of employment, the presentation Finally, on the basis of the empirical analysis, the five-point contradiction between the employment expectation and the social demand of the graduates of the key university is summarized. The paper analyzes the causes of the contradiction. In the sixth chapter, it is suggested that the contradiction between the employment expectation and the actual demand of the female graduates of the key university is put forward, which is mainly from the formation of the reasonable and fair social demand and the rational employment expectation of the female college graduates. It is recommended that the government, the employing unit, the university and the family A joint effort with women's college graduates. Employment expectations are close to the actual needs of society The employment of college graduates is an important part of the success or failure of employment. In order to help them find a career that is commensurate with the needs of the individual and the needs of society, the community should focus on the employment expectations of women's college graduates, understand their needs and social reality, and


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