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发布时间:2019-03-30 14:16
【摘要】:诚信,,一方面在中国传统道德中占有重要地位,是中华民族传统文化的一部分,另一方面,诚信作为信用经济的基础,也是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。当前,我国大学生中出现了诚信缺失的现象,并随着这一问题的日益加剧,大学生的诚信缺失问题也引起社会各界的强烈关注。本文以研究大学生诚信教育中出现的问题为主题,通过分析诚信在不同方面的涵义,以马克思主义的诚信思想为理论指导,阐述并分析我国当代大学生诚信发展的现状,在肯定大学生诚信良好表现的同时重点对大学生的诚信缺失现象进行详细阐述并探究其产生的原因,最后提出了解决当代大学生诚信缺失问题的措施。 本文从五个部分阐述当代大学生诚信教育问题: 第一部分,导论。论述了本文的选题目的与意义,以及论文的研究方法、思路与论文可能创新之处。 第二部分,大学生诚信教育问题研究的理论基础。本部分论述了诚信、诚信教育的涵义及相关内容,阐述了马克思主义的诚信思想及其对指导大学生诚信教育的意义。得出诚信是指信任于人、言之于实、践约守诺的道德品质。当代大学生诚信教育则是指为培养大学生的诚信意识的实践活动。对于当代大学生而言,在社会主义市场经济的条件下,诚信一方面是其事业取得成功的必要条件,另一方面也是培养优良品格的必备素质。 第三部分,当代大学生诚信教育的现状及问题。依据大学生的诚信现状,得出两方面内容:第一,大学生诚信的积极方面;第二,大学生诚信缺失的主要表现,主要有四个方面:学习、交往、经济、就业诚信缺失。 第四部分,当代大学生诚信缺失的原因。以当代大学生的诚信缺失现状为依据,分析其根本原因。主要原因有大学生自身、学校、家庭及社会四个方面的原因。 第五部分,解决当代大学生诚信缺失的途径。要有效解决中国当代大学生诚信缺失问题,关键在三方面,对学校来说,必须改变应试教育体制,创新素质教育方法,并改变学校的管理手段和管理理念,对家庭来说,必须改变传统家庭的教育方法和教育思想,对社会来说,必须从宏观上改革现有的诚信教育体系,把握学校诚信教育的方向。同时,结合个人、家庭、学校和社会的力量,共同促进大学生诚信教育的发展,使大学生们在实际生活中不断提升道德素养,成为一个知行统一的践行者。
[Abstract]:Honesty, on the one hand, occupies an important position in Chinese traditional morality, is a part of Chinese traditional culture, on the other hand, as the foundation of credit economy, it is also an important part of socialist market economy. At present, there is a phenomenon of lack of integrity among college students in our country, and with the aggravation of this problem, the problem of lack of integrity of college students has also aroused strong concern from all walks of life in the society. Based on the analysis of the meaning of honesty and credit in different aspects and the theoretical guidance of Marxism, this paper expounds and analyzes the present situation of the development of honesty and credit of contemporary college students in China, based on the study of the problems in college students' honesty education. While affirming the good performance of college students' honesty and credit, this paper expounds in detail the phenomenon of college students' lack of integrity and probes into the causes of it. Finally, it puts forward some measures to solve the problem of the lack of honesty and credit of contemporary college students. This article from five parts elaborated the contemporary university student honesty education question: the first part, the introduction. This paper discusses the purpose and significance of this topic, as well as the research methods, ideas and possible innovations of the paper. The second part is the theoretical basis of the research on honesty and credit education of college students. This part discusses the meaning and related contents of honesty and credit education, and expounds the Marxist honesty thought and its significance to guide the honesty education of college students. Good faith refers to the moral quality of trusting in people, speaking in reality and keeping promises. The contemporary college students' honesty education refers to the practical activities to cultivate the college students' honesty consciousness. For contemporary college students, under the condition of socialist market economy, on the one hand, honesty is the necessary condition for the success of their cause, on the other hand, it is also the necessary quality to cultivate good character. The third part, the present situation and the question of the honesty education of the contemporary college students. According to the present situation of college students' honesty, two aspects are drawn: first, the positive aspects of college students' honesty and credit; second, the main manifestations of college students' lack of integrity include four aspects: study, communication, economy, lack of honesty in employment. The fourth part is the reason for the lack of honesty and credit of contemporary college students. On the basis of the present situation of the lack of honesty and credit of contemporary college students, this paper analyzes its root causes. The main reasons are college students themselves, school, family and society. The fifth part, the solution contemporary college student honesty lacks the way. In order to effectively solve the problem of the lack of integrity of contemporary Chinese college students, the key is in three aspects. For the school, it is necessary to change the examination-oriented education system, innovate the quality-oriented education method, and change the management means and management ideas of the school, for the family. It is necessary to change the traditional family's educational methods and educational thoughts. For the society, we must reform the existing honesty and credit education system and grasp the direction of the school's honesty education. At the same time, combining the strength of individual, family, school and society, we can jointly promote the development of college students' honesty education, and make them improve their moral accomplishment and become a unified practitioner of knowledge and practice in real life.


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