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发布时间:2019-04-01 22:14
【摘要】:高校招生宣传是招生工作中的重要环节,是组织、动员考生择校的重要形式与各高校间展开竞争的重要手段,近年来面对湖北省普通高考招生生源日趋减少与高校招生计划录取率增加的矛盾,探析新形势下的湖北高校招生宣传策略,直接关系到普通高等教育未来的可持续发展。生源的满足与质量的提升,直接关系到高校的生存与人才培养结构,如何争取到丰富、高素质考生,高校如何在各批次院校中占有生源优势,截止2013年全国高招录取的结束,带给高校与考生更多的反思。自主招生沦为抢生源的手段,高职院校危机四伏,现已蔓延至本科;宣传处于无序竞争状态,部分高职院校甚至出现生源的“恶战”,高校或同批次院校出现跟风、攀比现象比比皆是;招生渠道“贪大求全”,导致高校招生成本加剧,考生和家长被过量的信息困扰;总体缺乏策略与创新、理论研究,面对未来十年生源锐减的形势,从实践中总结出一定的理论成果,结合各批次院校的特点进行梳理和研究,进一步指导招生宣传的实践势在必行。 新形势下以全国在鄂招生现象出发,以单个代表性院校为案例考证,并充分考虑批次院校特点,综合运用问卷调查等资料,总结出招生宣传工作中的重点和难点,探讨高校招生宣传工作的模式,对高校招生宣传媒介的应用、特点、利弊进行对比分析与综合考量,从而提出建设性意见。在策略探析的方法上力争将文献研究法、实证研究法、问卷调查和深度访谈法及交叉学科法充分结合,,进行整理、归纳和分析,积极把握有关我国高校招生宣传的已有研究成果,为自己的研究提供了有价值的借鉴。本文注重理论和实践双重结果。注重内外因果分析,从宣传内部机制建设入手,并积极加强与新闻媒介的整合策略,与新形势下的网络宣传相结合,构建新形势下的整体宣传策略,不仅有利于从理论上进行解释与指导,而且有助于招生宣传工作建立一套能适应当前内外部环境变化模式与需求,帮助其结合自身特点,发挥各媒介特性,加强宣传策略的使用和应用,进一步提高招生生源的质量,并建立成为一种长久有效的招生机制。
[Abstract]:College admissions publicity is an important link in enrollment work, is an important means to organize, mobilize candidates to choose an important form of school and compete with each other. In recent years, facing the contradiction between the decrease of enrollment sources and the increase of enrollment rate of colleges and universities in Hubei Province, the strategies of enrollment propaganda in Hubei colleges and universities under the new situation are directly related to the sustainable development of ordinary higher education in the future. The satisfaction of the source of students and the improvement of the quality are directly related to the survival and talent training structure of colleges and universities, how to strive for rich, high-quality candidates, how to occupy the advantages of students in all batches of colleges and universities, and the end of national high-level enrollment by 2013. Bring more reflection to college and examinee. Independent enrollment reduced to a means to rob the source of students, higher vocational colleges are at risk, now has spread to undergraduate; Propaganda is in a state of disorderly competition, some higher vocational colleges even appear the "vicious war" of students, colleges and universities or the same batch of colleges and universities appear to follow the trend, the phenomenon of comparison abound; The enrollment channel is "greedy for all", which leads to the aggravation of college enrollment cost, and the examinee and parents are troubled by excessive information; Overall lack of strategy and innovation, theoretical research, in the face of the sharp decline in the situation of students in the next decade, summed up from the practice of a certain theoretical results, combined with the characteristics of various batches of colleges and universities to sort out and research, It is imperative to further guide the practice of admissions propaganda. Under the new situation, starting from the national enrollment phenomenon in Hubei, taking a single representative college as a case study, and taking fully into account the characteristics of batch colleges and universities, comprehensive use of questionnaires and other materials, summed up the key and difficult points in the recruitment publicity work. This paper probes into the mode of college admissions propaganda, compares and analyzes the application, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of college admissions propaganda media, and puts forward constructive suggestions. On the method of strategy analysis, the author tries to combine the methods of literature research, empirical research, questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and cross-disciplinary research to organize, summarize and analyze. In order to provide valuable reference for our research, we can grasp the existing research results of enrollment propaganda in colleges and universities of our country actively. This article pays attention to the double result of theory and practice. Pay attention to the internal and external causal analysis, start with the construction of the internal mechanism of propaganda, and actively strengthen the integration strategy with the news media, combine with the network propaganda under the new situation, and construct the overall propaganda strategy under the new situation. It is not only conducive to theoretical interpretation and guidance, but also conducive to the establishment of a set of modes and needs that can adapt to the changes in the current internal and external environment and help them to combine their own characteristics and give full play to the characteristics of various media. Strengthen the use and application of publicity strategies, further improve the quality of enrollment sources, and establish a long-term effective recruitment mechanism.


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