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发布时间:2019-04-03 20:22
【摘要】:在当今时代的中国,社会对诚信的要求以及社会中诚信缺失现象之间的矛盾非常激烈。在社会各个阶层和领域到处可见诚信缺失的现象,如在商业领域老百姓衣食住行各方面充斥着假冒伪劣的牛奶、地沟油等;在经济领域有众多商家和销售者贩卖假酒假烟、在商标标识上弄虚作假的现象;在政治领域有很多官员毫无诚信的开展着一些假大空的官僚主义活动或者形式主义运动;在社会生活方面人们也认为对人讲诚信是一种愚蠢的行为,并认为投机取巧才是人才有本事的表现。可以看到,社会上的人对诚信的概念以及信仰非常缺失,甚至对诚信的观念也存在着淡漠的状态。但是,现代化的中国目前正处于社会转型期,随着中国市场经济的确立和发展,市场经济的物质性一方面给人们的思想道德方面埋下了很多问题隐患,一方面市场经济的发展又需要人们讲诚信守信用,很明显我国社会在诚信方面的所作所为已经偏离了市场经济发展的大方向以及基本道德行为规范。在这其中,大学生作为祖国事业的接班人,自身有着良好的知识结构和综合素质,而社会主义和谐社会也需要他们去实现,这就必然要求高校对大学生要加强诚信教育。而那些我们期待的社会主义事业未来接班人的大学生们,其对待诚信的态度也不容乐观。在学校,大学生论文抄袭、考试作弊、国家助学贷款拖欠、求职捏造简历,就业工作之后的违约现象层出不穷,甚至还有很多大学生对这种行为习以为常,这种视诚信于无物的态度同样值得人思考。而且,当代大学生肩负着振兴国家的重任,他们的诚信问题不仅影响到大学生个人的行为选择,还会对国家的未来发展和长治久安造成影响。因此,本文以大学生的诚信问题及诚信教育为题进行论文的撰写和研究。 本论文通过查阅和研究与课题有关的各种文献资料,,组织整理,获得有益信息,继而从理论上对大学生诚信缺失问题进行研究和讨论,又结合当代大学生的学习、生活实际,找到切实可行的加强大学生诚信教育的方法从而完成本论文的撰写。本论文主要分为四个部分。第一部分阐述阐述当代大学生诚信缺失的表现,包括大学生学习、精神生活、经济生活、就业求职、网络和情感诚信方面的缺失现象。第二部分阐述大学生诚信缺失的成因,包括高校的德育教育不够、社会负面影响太多、家庭教育不够、学校关于诚信环境构建不力以及有关诚信的法律缺失等。第三部分阐述大学生诚信教育的开展工作,包括大学生诚信教育的内涵、在现阶段开展高校大学生诚信教育的重要性以及大学生诚信教育的对策等。最后是全文的结论。
[Abstract]:In today's China, the contradiction between the society's request for honesty and the lack of honesty in society is very fierce. In all social strata and fields everywhere can be seen the phenomenon of lack of integrity, such as in the commercial field, people's clothing, food, housing and travel are filled with fake and shoddy milk, gutter oil and so on; In the economic field, there are many merchants and sellers selling fake alcohol and cigarettes, and the phenomenon of deceitful trademark marks; in the political field, many officials are carrying out some false bureaucratic activities or formalistic movements without sincerity; In social life, people also think that honesty is a foolish act, and that opportunism is the performance of talent. We can see that people in society lack the concept and belief of good faith, even the concept of good faith also has a indifferent state. However, modern China is currently in a social transformation period. With the establishment and development of the Chinese market economy, on the one hand, the material nature of the market economy has buried a lot of hidden troubles in the ideological and moral aspects of people. On the one hand, the development of market economy requires people to speak of honesty and credit. It is obvious that what our society has done in the field of honesty and credit has deviated from the general direction of market economy development and basic moral behavior norms. Among them, college students, as successors of the cause of the motherland, have a good knowledge structure and comprehensive quality, and the socialist harmonious society also needs them to realize, which will inevitably require colleges and universities to strengthen the honesty and credit education for college students. And those we expect the future successors of the socialist cause of college students, their attitude towards integrity is not optimistic. In schools, college students plagiarize papers, cheat in exams, default on state student loans, fabricate resumes for job search, default after employment, and even many college students are accustomed to this behavior. This attitude towards honesty and impotence is also worth thinking about. Moreover, the contemporary college students shoulder the important task of revitalizing the country. Their integrity not only affects the individual behavior choice of college students, but also affects the future development and long-term stability of the country. Therefore, this paper on the integrity of college students and integrity education for the topic of writing and research. By consulting and studying all kinds of documents and materials related to the subject, this paper organizes and obtains useful information, and then studies and discusses the problem of the lack of integrity of college students in theory, and also combines the study of contemporary college students and the reality of their lives. Find a feasible way to strengthen the honesty education of college students so as to complete the writing of this paper. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part describes the lack of integrity of contemporary college students, including college students learning, spiritual life, economic life, employment and job hunting, network and emotional integrity of the lack of phenomenon. The second part expounds the causes of the lack of integrity of college students, including the lack of moral education in colleges and universities, the negative impact of society too much, the lack of family education, the weak construction of the integrity environment in schools and the lack of laws on honesty and credit, and so on. The third part expounds the development of college students' honesty education, including the connotation of college students' credit education, the importance of carrying out college students' honesty education at present, and the countermeasures of college students' honesty education. Finally, it is the conclusion of the paper.


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