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发布时间:2019-04-04 17:57
【摘要】:腐败问题目前已成为一个世界性的难题,怎样解决腐败问题各国正在积极探索。预防腐败从根本上来说,,防患于未然比“先发生、后治理”更为有效和科学。高校廉洁教育在这里起到了至关重要的作用。大学生一直都被认为是祖国的未来和民族的希望,高校应该把对大学生的廉洁教育放在与科技文化同等重要的位置。 在肯定我国高校的廉洁教育工作取得成绩的同时我们应该清醒地认识到我国在对大学生的廉洁教育方面还存在着诸多不足之处,还存在一系列问题。在家庭教育中部分家长既缺乏明确的教育目标也不能起到示范作用,在学校教育中,课堂内容不够全面;校园文化鲜有体现;教育基地没有成立;教师缺乏指导再加上学生自己的认识也不够深刻。在整个社会来讲,市场经济的不良影响和职务犯罪带来的歪风邪气也是影响部分大学生廉洁观念形成的一个方面。国外有许多成功的廉洁教育经验,但是在我国还没有有效的借鉴和吸取。 本文通过分析大学生廉洁教育的重要性及目前对大学生廉洁教育的缺失,构建了“环境育廉”的新型模式,并提出了相应的对策保证大学生廉洁教育的实效性。
[Abstract]:Corruption has become a worldwide problem, how to solve the problem of corruption is actively explored. Prevention of corruption is fundamentally more effective and scientific than "first occurring, then managing". The clean education in colleges and universities plays a vital role here. College students have always been regarded as the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Colleges and universities should put the clean education on college students in the same important position as the science and technology culture. While affirming the achievements of clean education in colleges and universities of our country, we should realize clearly that there are still many shortcomings and a series of problems in the clean education of college students in our country. In family education, some parents lack clear educational objectives and can not play an exemplary role. In school education, classroom content is not comprehensive enough; campus culture is rarely reflected; education base has not been established; The teacher's lack of guidance, coupled with the students' own understanding, is not deep enough. As far as the whole society is concerned, the bad influence of market economy and the evil spirit brought by duty crime are also one of the aspects that affect the formation of some college students' concept of integrity. There are many successful experiences of clean education abroad, but there is no effective reference and absorption in our country. By analyzing the importance of college students' integrity education and the lack of it at present, this paper constructs a new model of "environmental education for honesty", and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to ensure the effectiveness of college students' clean education.


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