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发布时间:2019-04-11 13:04
【摘要】:新媒体既是介体,作为一种新的载体形式负责传递各种讯息符号,更是环体,以一种大环境的姿态对青年学生思想理念、道德观念及价值取向等产生重要影响。本文试图从系统论的角度,结合传播学相关理论,在梳理新媒体对大学生爱国主义教育的影响的基础上,进一步探讨新媒体环境下如何有效引导大学生理性爱国进而增强爱国主义教育实效性的对策。文章主体共分三个部分,具体如下: 第一部分为导论,分析了选题依据、目前的研究现状、选题意义及研究思路。第二部分阐述了新媒体的科学内涵及在爱国主义教育领域中呈现的特征,着重从爱国主义教育的过程结构上分别阐述了新媒体对教育内容、教育者及被教育者的价值。第三部分首先具体分析了理性爱国价值及价值,阐述了当代大学生爱国主义在情感、思想意识方面的特征,从而总结出新媒体对大学生爱国情感和思想意识方面的影响。最后第四部分提出了利用新媒体引导大学生理性爱国的对策。对于本文的结构安排,主要是考虑到清晰完整地了解学术界对该课题的研究现状与动态,在这些已有的研究成果基础上,紧紧结合我国大学生爱国主义教育开展的实际状况,深入分析新媒体对引导大学生理性爱国的影响,并对这种影响的表现与途径进行详细的研究与分析,从而对我国目前利用新媒体开展大学生爱国主义教育所存在的缺陷与不足得到更加客观与清晰的认识,最终提出科学合理的改进完善路径与对策。文章的中心思想是:理性爱国是爱国主义的本质升华。在新媒体环境下引导大学生理性爱国,不仅是可能的,同时也是十分必要的。正确利用新媒体必将更加有力地促进大学生爱国主义教育的实效性。
[Abstract]:As a kind of new carrier, the new media is responsible for transmitting all kinds of information symbols, and it is also the ring body, which has an important influence on the young students' ideology, moral concept and value orientation with a kind of attitude of the environment. This paper tries to analyze the influence of new media on the patriotism education of college students from the angle of system theory, combining with the related theories of communication science and analyzing the influence of new media on the patriotism education of college students. Further explore how to effectively guide college students to rational patriotism under the new media environment and enhance the effectiveness of patriotic education countermeasures. The main body of the article is divided into three parts, as follows: the first part is the introduction, analyzes the basis of the topic selection, the current research situation, the significance of the topic selection and the research ideas. The second part expounds the scientific connotation of the new media and its characteristics in the field of patriotic education, focusing on the value of the new media to the educational content, the educator and the educated from the process structure of the patriotic education. The third part analyzes the value and value of rational patriotism, expounds the characteristics of patriotism in the emotional and ideological consciousness of contemporary college students, and sums up the influence of the new media on the patriotic emotion and ideological consciousness of college students. Finally, the fourth part puts forward the countermeasures of using new media to guide college students' rational patriotism. For the structure of this paper, mainly considering the clear and complete understanding of the academic research on the current situation and trends of the subject, on the basis of these existing research results, closely combined with the actual situation of patriotism education of college students in our country, In-depth analysis of the influence of new media on guiding the rational patriotism of college students, and the performance of this impact and the way to carry on a detailed study and analysis. Therefore, the defects and shortcomings of the patriotism education of college students in our country are more objective and clear, and finally the scientific and reasonable ways and countermeasures are put forward to improve the patriotism education of college students. The central idea of the article is: rational patriotism is the essence of patriotism sublimation. It is not only possible but also necessary to guide college students' rational patriotism under the new media environment. The correct use of the new media will promote the effectiveness of patriotism education of college students more forcefully.


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