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发布时间:2019-04-18 19:42
【摘要】:大学生软实力是把软实力概念引入大学生成长过程中的一种能力的概括,是指除了学校等硬指标以外的个人综合素质以及能力的内在体现。大学生软实力包括学生个体所具备的道德水准、文化素养、心理素质、团结协助精神、创新进取精神、人际沟通能力、责任感等。它是大学生个体自我发展过程中,通过不断积累、逐步形成的后发优势,持续不断的作用力渗透在个体身上,对他人产生的吸引力和影响力。 近几年来,我国就业市场对人才的需求基本完成由人才高消费状态向理性市场需求的转换,已逐步形成综合素质和能力为中心的就业价值取向。就业市场对人才素质的横向要求日益提高。大学生不但要拥有优秀的专业知识和技能,同时还要不断提升自己的交往能力、沟通能力、组织协调与管理能力以及团队精神等综合素质。因此,大学生的“软实力”已成为提升自身竞争力、实现个人价值、长期发展不可缺少的因素。 独立学院大学生是本科层次第三批录取的学生,与普通高校(本一、本二)相比,独立学院大学生是一个新的学生群体。作为一名独立学院在校大学生,其毕业的院校、所学专业以及学历层次等硬实力受客观条件的影响较大。相对而言,软实力则是长期培养的结果,可以影响主体持续发展,对未来发展带来很强的后发优势。面对大学毕业生数量的不断增加,社会就业压力的日趋激烈,独立学院大学生在巩固现有硬实力基础上,需要创新发展路径,结合社会发展对人才观念的转变,着重提升软实力,全面提高独立学院大学生的综合素质,在将来的社会竞争中独树一帜,树立自己学院的特色品牌。独立学院大学生有他们自己的特点,如他们文化基础较差,,综合素质相对较高;个性更加突出,特长较多;社会活动能力强,但自信心不足。因此,立足于独立学院学生的特点,缩短他们与本一、本二学生的专业基础知识等硬实力方面的差距外,更应突出培养他们的软实力,体现独立学院大学生自身的优势。独立学院大学生如何增强自己的竞争力,体现自己的核心优势,在就业以及今后发展中脱颖而出提出具有操作性的理论研究,为独立学院创新大学生培养机制提供理论参照,并可作为大学生职业指导的专题理论研究内容。 为探索提高独立学院大学生软实力,提升就业竞争力,为今后发展奠定基础就要创新独立学院大学生培养模式,提升他们自身的软实力。因此,本文首先从对软实力概念的研究入手,与硬实力辩证的分析软实力的丰富内涵,为研究大学生软实力培养上奠定基础。对大学生“软实力”的研究,采用调查问卷、学生访谈和文献资料研究相结合的方式,根据对软实力的初步研究和独立学院学生特点进行问卷调查内容设计,从对软实力的认知、品德素质、人际沟通、创新精神、团队协作五个方面对河北省的五所独立学院在校大学生的“软实力”现状进行实证研究,通过对独立学院大学生不同群体样本抽取,较为成功的了解了目前独立学院大学生对软实力的认知以及其所具有软实力的现状。随后对问卷统计、整理出独立学院大学生“软实力”主要存在五个方面的不足,挖掘软实力缺失的本质原因,主要从教育体制、社会环境影响和人才素质观的错误定位三个方面进行深入分析。最后提出从五个方面入手提高独立学院大学生软实力,分别为:从独立学院大学生入手,引导学生重视培养自身软实力;从独立学院师资力量入手,提高教师队伍软实力;从独立学院人才培养定位入手,强化综合发展;从独立学院学生培养模式入手,建立实践平台;从优化校园文化入手,营造良好的环境。本文着重研究建立独立学院学生“软实力”提升的长效机制,以及学校各项教育教学环节,尤其是课程改革方面加强创新,以适应学生“软实力“提升的需要,是本研究的重点及难点。
[Abstract]:The soft power of the college students is a generalization of the ability to introduce the concept of soft power into the development of the college students, which means the internal reflection of the comprehensive quality and the ability of the individual other than the hard index such as the school. The soft power of the college students includes the moral level, the cultural quality, the psychological quality, the spirit of solidarity, the spirit of unity, the spirit of innovation, the ability of communication and the sense of responsibility. It is the process of individual self-development of the college students, through the continuous accumulation, the development of the post-development advantage, the continuous and continuous acting force on the individual, the attraction and influence to others. In recent years, the employment market of our country has basically completed the transformation from the high consumption state of the talents to the rational market demand, and has gradually formed the comprehensive quality and the ability as the center's employment value. The lateral demand of the employment market to the quality of the talents is increasing. High. College students not only have excellent professional knowledge and skills, but also constantly improve their ability of communication, communication, coordination and management, and team spirit. Therefore, the "soft power" of college students has become the cause of the improvement of their own competitiveness, the realization of personal value and the development of long-term development The independent college students are the third-batch students of the undergraduate level, and the college students of the independent college are a new study compared with the general colleges (this one and the second two) As an independent college, the hard strength of the college students, the college, the major in the study and the level of the educational background is subject to the objective conditions. In contrast, the soft power is the result of long-term culture, which can affect the sustainable development of the main body and bring great influence on the future development In the face of the increasing number of graduates in the university and the increasingly fierce social employment pressure, the college students of the independent college need to innovate the development path based on the consolidation of the existing hard strength, and combine the social development with the change of the talent concept, and focus on the promotion Soft power, to improve the comprehensive quality of the college students in the independent college, to be unique in the future social competition and to set up its own college. Independent college students have their own characteristics, such as their poor cultural foundation, relatively high comprehensive quality, more prominent personality, more special skills, strong social activities, but self-confidence Therefore, based on the characteristics of the independent college students, the gap between them and the hard power of the students in the first and the second is shortened, and the soft power of the independent college students should be emphasized, and the independent college students themselves should be reflected. The advantages of the independent college students how to enhance their competitiveness, reflect their core strengths, and put forward a theoretical study of operability in the employment and future development, and provide a basis for the independent college to innovate the college students' training mechanism On the Reference, and It can be regarded as the subject theory of the college students' career guidance In order to improve the soft power of the college students of the independent college, to improve the competitiveness of the employment, to lay the foundation for the future development, we should innovate the training mode of the independent college students and improve their self-service. Therefore, the thesis begins with the research of the concept of soft power, and analyzes the rich connotation of the soft power with hard strength, so as to study the soft power of the college students. On the basis of the research of the college students' "soft power", the questionnaire, the students' interview and the research of the literature and the literature are used to design the survey contents according to the preliminary research on the soft power and the characteristics of the students of the independent college, from the perspective of the cognitive and moral quality of the soft power. Based on the five aspects of communication, innovation and teamwork, the paper makes an empirical study on the current "soft power" of the college students in the five independent colleges in Hebei province, and through the study of the different groups of college students in the independent college Body sample extraction, a successful understanding of the current college students' perception of soft power and its soft The present situation of the strength of the college students is as follows: the shortage of five aspects of the "soft power" of the college students in the independent colleges and the essence of the lack of the soft power are sorted out, and the three aspects are mainly analyzed from the three aspects: the educational system, the social environment influence and the wrong orientation of the quality view of the talents. In the end, the author puts forward the improvement of the soft power of the independent college students from five aspects: starting with the college students of the independent college, and leading the students to pay more attention to the soft power of the teachers; starting with the teachers' strength of the independent colleges, and improving the soft power of the teaching staff; and training the talents of the independent college. The article starts with the cultivation mode of the independent college students, and sets up the practical platform; starting with the optimization of the campus culture, the construction This paper mainly studies the long-term mechanism of establishing the "soft power" of the independent college students, as well as the teaching links of the education, especially the strengthening of the innovation in the reform of the curriculum, so as to meet the needs of the "soft power" of the students.


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