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发布时间:2019-04-19 13:04
[Abstract]:Motion control system is a difficult and important professional course. This paper probes into the teaching methods of the course, puts forward that the teaching contents and teaching methods should be studied according to the characteristics of the students and the nature of the course, and puts forward that the teaching design should be carried out by using many kinds of teaching materials, and the multimedia courseware should be made meticulously. Classroom instruction should make full use of the advantages of multimedia, add engineering examples and system simulation, so as to make it easy to get in and out of the classroom. It also points out that the content should be summarized and the exercises should be trained in time according to the progress of the class. It is also suggested that we should understand the students, love them, think about teaching from the perspective of students, study the characteristics of class time, adjust the atmosphere of the class timely, insert and teach people, and transmit positive energy of optimism to the students. Teaching practice shows that these methods are effective and improve the fun and learning effect of students.
【作者单位】: 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院;
【基金】:河南省高等教育教学改革项目(2012SJGLX120) 河南省特色专业—“自动化”特色专业建设项目(河南省教高〔2009〕327号)


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