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发布时间:2019-04-19 15:57
【摘要】:大学生是祖国的栋梁,是社会的建设者和接班人,是十分宝贵的人才。少数民族大学生是大学生群体中的一个特殊群体,他们是推动民族地区发展的中坚力量,也是我们建设和谐社会不可缺少的力量。 呼伦贝尔地区的少数民族大学生是本地区社会经济建设的重要力量,他们担负着推动本民族地区各项事业的发展,同时还担负着维护祖国边疆安全与稳定的重任。因此,该地区少数民族大学生的思想政治素质直接影响整个呼伦贝尔地区的发展与稳定。高度重视呼伦贝尔地区少数民族大学生的思想政治教育,对于推进呼伦贝尔地区少数民族大学生全面发展,为该地区培养合格的建设者和接班人具有重要的作用。 本文在问卷调查和文献研究相结合的基础上,重点研究了呼伦贝尔地区少数民族大学生,对呼伦贝尔地区少数民族大学生思想政治情况进行了研究。文章共分为三大部分,第一部分主要是分析了少数民族大学生思想政治教育的重要性,因为呼伦贝尔地区是少数民族聚居区,通过分析可以了解少数民族同学的共性和不同于汉族学生的特点,独特的民族文化传统、生活习惯和自然生活环境,使得少数民族大学生在思想意识、社会心态和竞争意识等方面与汉族学生有很大的差别,尤其是在偏远牧区、山区和农村地区的学生身上表现明显。同时也了解到少数民族大学生对于推动民族团结,维护祖国边疆稳定的重要性;第二部分分为两个主要部分,首先论述了呼伦贝尔地区少数民族大学生思想政治现状,,主流还是好的,但还是有些问题存在,其次是分析了上述现状的成因。由于呼伦贝尔地区特殊的地理环境、人文历史等因素,使得在这个地区生活的少数民族大学生具有很强的民族意识,他们文化基础薄弱,缺乏竞争意识,在人际交往上存在着障碍,在人生观和价值观上也有功利化的趋向,如不加以正确引导,不仅对于少数民族大学生的成长不利,也无益于该地区的发展建设,还将影响国家的边疆稳定;第三部分提出了对呼伦贝尔地区少数民族大学生进行思想政治教育的工作思路,加强马克思主义的理论教育,重点发挥好课堂教学的主渠道作用,重视校园文化建设,坚持以人为本,尊重理解、关心帮助、正确引导等工作方法。
[Abstract]:College students are the pillars of the motherland, the builders and successors of the society, are very valuable talents. Minority college students are a special group of college students, they are the backbone to promote the development of ethnic areas, but also the indispensable force to build a harmonious society. The college students of ethnic minorities in Hulunbeir region are the important forces in the social and economic construction of the region. They shoulder the responsibility of promoting the development of various undertakings in their own ethnic areas and maintaining the security and stability of the border areas of the motherland at the same time. Therefore, the ideological and political quality of minority college students in this area has a direct impact on the development and stability of the whole Hulunbeir area. Attaching great importance to the ideological and political education of minority college students in Hulunbeir area plays an important role in promoting the all-round development of minority college students in Hulunbeir area and training qualified builders and successors in this area. On the basis of the combination of questionnaire investigation and literature research, this paper focuses on the study of ethnic minority college students in Hulunbeir area, and studies the ideological and political situation of minority college students in Hulunbeir area. The first part mainly analyzes the importance of ideological and political education of minority college students, because Hulunbeir area is an area inhabited by ethnic minorities. Through the analysis, we can understand the commonness and characteristics of the minority students, the unique national cultural tradition, the living habits and the natural living environment, so as to make the minority college students in the ideological consciousness. There are great differences in social mentality and competitive consciousness between Han and Han students, especially in remote pastoral, mountainous and rural areas. At the same time, we also understand the importance of minority college students in promoting national unity and maintaining the stability of the frontier of the motherland; The second part is divided into two main parts. First, it discusses the ideological and political status of ethnic minority college students in Hulunbeir area, the mainstream is still good, but there are still some problems. Secondly, the causes of the above-mentioned situation are analyzed. Due to the special geographical environment, humanistic history and other factors in Hulunbeir area, the ethnic minority college students living in this area have strong national consciousness, their cultural foundation is weak, and they lack the sense of competition. There are obstacles in interpersonal communication and utilitarian trends in outlook on life and values. If not guided correctly, it will not only be disadvantageous to the growth of minority college students, but also not conducive to the development and construction of the region. It will also affect the stability of the border areas of the country; The third part puts forward the idea of ideological and political education for ethnic minority college students in Hulunbeir area, strengthens the theoretical education of Marxism, puts emphasis on giving full play to the main channel of classroom teaching, and attaches importance to the construction of campus culture. Adhere to people-oriented, respect for understanding, care for help, correct guidance and other working methods.


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