[Abstract]:With the development of the reform of higher medical education, such as the new mode of three-morning medical education, the time of medical basic science is obviously reduced and the new knowledge is increasing, so it is necessary to explore a variety of teaching methods. In order to improve students' learning interest and learning ability, and to learn subtle and complicated mechanism of normal and abnormal human activity in a short time, TBL (team-based learning) is a kind of teaching mode gradually rising on the basis of PBL, based on group learning. Can be realized in the large class in the group teaching. In order to avoid unnecessary repetition, we optimize, recombine and organically link up pathophysiology and physiology by means of TBL teaching form to break the boundaries of the subject and to optimize, recombine and organically link up the pathophysiology and physiology. Teachers carry out one-stop teaching, students prepare before class, individual in class, group test, teachers explain basic knowledge according to test results, and then apply practice to discuss practical cases. Finally, according to the individual and team test, students evaluate each other, stage test and final test scores to assess students' comprehensive learning results. TBL has improved the situation of "more students, less resources". It ensures the mastery of students' basic theory knowledge. At the same time, it promotes students' autonomous learning, improves their ability of self-study, analysis and problem-solving, and enhances the spirit of team cooperation, communication skills and coordination ability of students. At present, we are committed to integrate the compilation of curriculum teaching materials, improve the comprehensive quality of teachers, in order to further improve the TBL teaching.
【作者单位】: 泸州医学院病理生理教研室;
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