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发布时间:2019-05-08 01:05
【摘要】:近年来,随着科技的快速发展,化学工业的范围日益扩大,化学工程向能源、环境、生物、材料、电子和信息等跨学科领域不断发展,化学工程问题变得越来越复杂,对化工专业技术人才提出了更高的要求。工程意识是连接理论教育和工程实践的桥梁,是工程技术人员必须具备的最基本的素质之一。一些化工专业学生由于工程意识薄弱,毕业后适应性较差,实际工作能力低,合作和交流能力薄弱,在工作岗位上缺乏创新意识,难以将科学基础理论和应用技术科学应用于工程实践,直接影响到学生的就业和从业,其原因与教学中缺乏对学生工程意识的培养有关。因此,重视化工专业学生工程意识的培养,培养具有工程意识和国际视野,通晓国际规则,适应对外开放,拥有国际竞争优势,应对经济全球化挑战的化工专业工程技术人才对化工专业教育发展有十分重要的意义。 本文通过查阅大量文献资料,研究了国内外关于工程意识的研究现状,结合化学工程与工艺专业的培养目标、培养要求和课程设置设计调查问卷,对甘肃省某大学化学工程与工艺专业的2009级(大三)和2011级(大一)学生进行抽样调查和访谈,分析目前化工专业学生工程意识培养的现状,发现存在的主要问题,为解决这些问题,根据我国化工专业教育的特点,借鉴国内高校化工专业卓越工程师培养方案,提出了培养化工专业学生工程意识的策略、途径并进行了教学设计研究。 化工专业学生工程意识培养中主要存在的问题是:缺少切实有效的新生引导教育、教学内容和课程体系有待改革和优化、工程实践教学基地建设不完善、产学研合作教育发展不完善、课程设计和毕业设计的灵活性不强、有些教师的工程意识薄弱、考核评价方式过于单一; 针对上述问题,采用课堂渗透法、他山借石法、文化熏陶法、环境塑造法、现实激励法、中试校正法等策略,通过加强新生工程意识引导教育、开展素质拓展训练、更新教学内容优化课程体系、加强化工专业工程实践基地建设、发展产学研合作教育、增强课程设计和毕业论文(设计)的灵活性、加强化工专业教师队伍建设等有效途径培养化工专业学生的工程意识:结合化工专业的培养模式,对培养学生工程意识的实践、教学活动进行了设计及优化,并以有机硫杀菌剂代森锌的合称为例对工程意识的培养进行了详细的阐述,使工程意识的培养从学生踏入校门伊始到毕业设计,贯穿整个学习生涯。 通过以上化工专业学生工程意识的培养研究,使学生树立工程意识,具备扎实的专业知识以及较强的综合素质与个人能力,成为化工行业急需的具有工程意识的工程技术人员。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the scope of the chemical industry has expanded day by day, chemical engineering has been developing to the interdisciplinary fields of energy, environment, biology, materials, electronics and information, and the problems of chemical engineering have become more and more complex. Higher requirements have been put forward for professional and technical personnel in chemical engineering. Engineering consciousness is a bridge between theoretical education and engineering practice, and is one of the most basic qualities that engineers and technicians must possess. Because of the weak engineering consciousness, poor adaptability after graduation, low practical work ability, weak cooperation and communication ability, some chemical engineering students lack the sense of innovation in their jobs. It is difficult to apply scientific basic theory and applied technology science to engineering practice, which has a direct impact on students' employment and employment. The reason is related to the lack of training of students' engineering consciousness in teaching. Therefore, we should attach importance to the cultivation of engineering consciousness of students majoring in chemical engineering, cultivate the engineering consciousness and international vision, be familiar with international rules, adapt to the opening up, and have international competitive advantages. It is very important to meet the challenge of economic globalization for chemical engineering and technical personnel to develop chemical education. By consulting a large number of documents, this paper studies the research status of engineering consciousness at home and abroad, combining with the training objectives, training requirements and curriculum design questionnaire of chemical engineering and technology specialty. Sampling investigation and interview were carried out among the students of Grade 2009 (Grade 3) and Grade 2011 (Grade 1) of Chemical Engineering and Technology majors in a university in Gansu Province. The present situation of the cultivation of engineering consciousness of students majoring in chemical engineering was analyzed, and the main problems were found. In order to solve these problems, according to the characteristics of chemical engineering education in our country and drawing lessons from the training scheme of excellent engineers of chemical engineering major in our country, the strategies and ways to cultivate the engineering consciousness of chemical specialty students are put forward, and the teaching design research is carried out. The main problems existing in the cultivation of chemical engineering students' engineering consciousness are: the lack of effective new students' guidance education, the reform and optimization of teaching content and curriculum system, and the imperfect construction of engineering practice teaching base. The development of industry-university-research cooperation education is not perfect, the flexibility of curriculum design and graduation design is not strong, some teachers' engineering consciousness is weak, and the way of assessment and evaluation is too single; In order to solve the above problems, we adopt such strategies as classroom penetration, culture fumigation, environment shaping, realistic motivation, and pilot test correction, etc., to develop quality development training by strengthening the new engineering consciousness leading education, and carrying out the quality development training by strengthening the new students' engineering consciousness. We should renew the curriculum system of optimizing the teaching content, strengthen the construction of engineering practice base of chemical engineering specialty, develop the cooperative education of industry-university-research, and enhance the flexibility of curriculum design and graduation thesis (design). Strengthening the construction of chemical engineering teachers and other effective ways to cultivate the engineering consciousness of chemical engineering students: combining with the training mode of chemical specialty, the practice and teaching activities of cultivating students' engineering consciousness have been designed and optimized. Taking the combined name of organic sulfur fungicide Dexenzin as an example, the cultivation of engineering consciousness is expounded in detail, so that the cultivation of engineering consciousness will run through the whole study career from the beginning of entering the school to the graduation project. Through the cultivation and research of the engineering consciousness of the students majoring in chemical engineering above, the students can set up the engineering consciousness, have solid professional knowledge and strong comprehensive quality and personal ability, and become the engineering technicians in urgent need of the chemical industry.


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