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发布时间:2019-05-17 05:30
[Abstract]:The post-90s college students have become the main body of undergraduate education in our country, and have enjoyed the results of reform and opening up at birth, and the superior family environment is relative to the complex social environment. It impresses this generation of college students with a brand different from that of any previous era. In the face of the special educational object of post-90s college students, the cultural quality education in colleges and universities should conform to the specific characteristics of this group. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction part, which summarizes the related background of undergraduate questions and defines the related concepts. The second part mainly studies and summarizes the related theories of Chinese and foreign college students' cultural quality education, the theoretical development and practical development of college students' cultural quality education. In the third part, the present situation of cultural quality education of post-90s college students is investigated by means of questionnaire survey and interview, including the understanding of cultural quality, the campus environment and personal values. The present situation of cultural quality teaching and the ways to realize cultural quality education. The fourth part analyzes the problems existing in the cultural quality education of post-90s college students from five aspects, and explores the causes of the problems. The fifth part puts forward the relevant countermeasures of cultural quality education for post-90s college students from five aspects. Through targeted research, we can improve the cultural quality of post-90s college students in an all-round way, and further help post-90s college students to establish a correct outlook on life and values.


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