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发布时间:2019-05-17 06:34
【摘要】:目的 1.界定护理本科生媒介素养概念及护理本科生媒介素养教育内涵。 2.了解我国护理本科生媒介素养现状和对媒介素养教育的需求情况。 3.构建我国护理本科生的媒介素养构成要素的理论模型以及媒介素养课程设置内容。 4.构建适合我国护理本科生的媒介素养教学模式。 方法 1.综合运用文献分析法,界定我国护理本科生媒介素养概念及媒介素养教育内涵。 2.自行设计护理本科生媒介素养调查问卷,调查了解我国护理本科生媒介素养现状。 3.采用Delphi法构建我国护理本科生媒介素养构成要素的理论模型及媒介素养课程设置的内容。 4.以夏惠贤教授归纳出的教学模式六要素为理论框架,构建护理本科生媒介素养教学模式。 结果 1.护理本科生手机拥有率为98.3%;接触媒介的主要动机是与外界交流、沟通(73.7%);比较关注娱乐类(77.7%)及社会生活类(71.3%)媒介信息;获取信息的主要途径是网络(91.4%)。 2.护理本科生在面对网络爆炸性新闻时,只有49.4%的学生会寻求方法去印证消息;面对网络抄袭时,46.4%的学生认为这种行为不道德,但大家都这样做,法不责众。 3.护理本科生中有93.8%的学生认为有必要开展护理本科生媒介素养课程。82.3%的学生愿意接受护理本科生媒介素养课程的培训。 4.三轮专家咨询分别均发放25份咨询卷,回收率及有效率均为100%;专家的平均权威系数为0.723;媒介素养课程设置内容问卷的大部分条目赋值均数均在4分以上,媒介素养构成要素问卷的大部分条目赋值均数均在3分以上;3轮问卷中各条目的变异系数均低于0.25,Kendall's W系数经检验后均有显著性,P值小于0.05。 5.护理本科生媒介素养构成要素,包括“4个模块,,12个核心要素”及媒介素养课程设置的内容,包括“5个部分,16节”。 结论 1.护理本科生目前只关注到了媒介的娱乐功能;已经具备一定的媒介信息解读和批判能力,但对媒介信息的分析还缺乏正确的方法和途径。 2.护理本科生对媒介素养教育需求高,急需一套针对护理专业学生的媒介素养教学模式。 3.三轮专家咨询问卷有效回收率高,专家的权威程度可接受,专家意见较集中并具有一定协调性,保证了结果的可靠性。 4.初步构建护理本科生媒介素养构成要素的理论模型及媒介素养课程设置的内容。
[Abstract]:Objective 1. The concept of media literacy of nursing undergraduates and the connotation of media literacy education of nursing undergraduates were defined. 2. To understand the present situation of media literacy and the demand for media literacy education for nursing undergraduates in China. 3. To construct the theoretical model of media literacy elements and the content of media literacy curriculum for nursing undergraduates in China. 4. To construct the media literacy teaching mode suitable for nursing undergraduates in our country. Method 1. By using the method of literature analysis, the concept of media literacy and the connotation of media literacy education of nursing undergraduates in China were defined. 2. A questionnaire on media literacy of nursing undergraduates was designed to investigate the present situation of media literacy of nursing undergraduates in China. 3. The theoretical model of media literacy components and the content of media literacy curriculum for nursing undergraduates in China were constructed by Delphi method. 4. Based on the six elements of teaching mode summarized by Professor Xia Huixian, the media literacy teaching mode of nursing undergraduates was constructed. Result 1. The mobile phone ownership rate of nursing undergraduates was 98.3%, the main motivation of contact with the media was to communicate with the outside world (73.7%), and to pay more attention to the media information of entertainment (77.7%) and social life (71.3%). The main way to obtain information is the network (91.4%). 2. In the face of explosive news on the Internet, only 49.4% of nursing undergraduates will find a way to confirm the news. In the face of online plagiarism, 46.4% of the students think this behavior is immoral, but everyone is not responsible for doing so. 3. 93.8% of the nursing undergraduates thought it necessary to carry out the media literacy course for nursing undergraduates. 82.3% of the students were willing to receive the training of the media literacy course of nursing undergraduates. 4. 25 consultation papers were issued in all three rounds of expert consultation, the recovery rate and effective rate were 100%, the average authority coefficient of experts was 0.723, and the average authority coefficient of experts was 0.723. The average number of most items assigned to the content questionnaire of media literacy curriculum is more than 4 points, and the average number of most items assigned to the questionnaire of media literacy elements is more than 3 points. The coefficient of variation of each item in the three rounds of questionnaire was lower than 0.25, and the coefficient of Kendall 鈮




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