[Abstract]:It is an inevitable choice for our country to change from a large country of higher education to a powerful country of higher education to build a number of research universities with the first class level in the world. Whether or not to have a world-class research university has become an important symbol to measure the development level and comprehensive national strength of a country's higher education. Compared with the world-class research universities, there is still a big gap between Chinese universities and world-class research universities, which is mainly reflected in outstanding talents, educational resources, scientific research strength, leadership and strategic planning, internationalization level and so on. In order to bridge the gap, we should adopt the methods of training and introducing top innovative talents and multi-channel financing, actively create superior disciplines, improve the transformation ability of scientific research achievements, select first-class university presidents, and formulate scientific development strategic plans. Vigorously create an international academic platform to lay a good foundation for the construction of world-class research universities.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学教育学院;
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