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发布时间:2019-05-18 18:00
[Abstract]:The transformation and development of local colleges and universities to applied technology type colleges and universities is a major focus of deepening the comprehensive reform of higher education in our country at present, and the professional development of teachers is the inevitable demand of the construction of teaching staff in the transformation and development of local undergraduate colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the characteristics and trends of teachers' professional development in colleges and universities with applied technology from four aspects: the transformation of guiding ideology, the transformation of professional quality structure, the transition of training mode and way, and the reconstruction of professional development evaluation. And from the construction of the new mechanism of teacher education and training, the improvement of teacher personnel management system and incentive mechanism, The leading of teachers' characteristic culture thinks and puts forward some suggestions on the professional development of teachers in the transformation from local undergraduate colleges and universities to applied technology colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 武夷学院人事处;


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