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发布时间:2019-05-18 21:12
【摘要】:从2009年微博正式进驻中国到今天,微博已经成为中国网民,尤其是大学生网民生活中必不可少的内容。随着微博功能的不断丰富和完善,影响力的不断增强,越来越多的大学生选择用微博来表达利益诉求,参与公共生活。由于微博本身的一些弱点以及大学生自身素质所限,大学生微博公共参与也存在一些不可忽视的问题。大学生是民族的未来,其公共参与行为的有序与否关系到社会主义民主的实现以及社会主义和谐社会的构建。所以,,从思想政治教育的角度对大学生微博公共参与进行系统的分析和总结,并提出引导对策显得尤为必要。 本文由四部分组成。第一部分,分别从微博、公共参与入手,对大学生微博公共参与的涵义进行了分析。第二部分,分别从现实因素、微博的魅力和大学生自身的需求三个角度分析了大学生微博公共参与兴起的原因。第三部分,结合调查问卷内容,分析了大学生微博公共参与的现状,包括基本状况、主要特点和主要问题三方面内容。其中大学生微博公共参与存在公共精神缺失、娱乐精神泛滥、自律性不强、话语权薄弱等问题。第四部分,主要针对大学生微博公共参与存在的问题,从思想政治教育的角度出发,分别在加强公民意识教育、媒介素养教育、情绪管理和观念引导,培养意见领袖,畅通参与路径和营造良好网络环境等几个方面提出引导对策,以期实现大学生有序微博公共参与。
[Abstract]:Since Weibo was officially stationed in China in 2009, Weibo has become an indispensable part of the life of Chinese netizens, especially college students. With the continuous enrichment and improvement of Weibo function and the continuous enhancement of influence, more and more college students choose Weibo to express their interests and participate in public life. Due to some weaknesses of Weibo itself and the limitations of college students' own quality, there are also some problems that can not be ignored in Weibo public participation of college students. College students are the future of the nation. The order of their public participation behavior is related to the realization of socialist democracy and the construction of socialist harmonious society. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to systematically analyze and summarize the public participation of college students on Weibo from the perspective of ideological and political education, and put forward the guiding countermeasures. This paper consists of four parts. The first part, starting with Weibo and public participation, analyzes the meaning of Weibo public participation of college students. The second part analyzes the reasons for the rise of Weibo public participation of college students from three angles: the realistic factors, the charm of Weibo and the needs of college students themselves. The third part, combined with the content of the questionnaire, analyzes the current situation of college students' Weibo public participation, including the basic situation, the main characteristics and the main questions. Among them, there are some problems in the public participation of college students, such as the lack of public spirit, the spread of entertainment spirit, the lack of self-discipline, the weak right to speak and so on. The fourth part, mainly aimed at the problems existing in the public participation of college students on Weibo, from the perspective of ideological and political education, respectively, in strengthening civic awareness education, media literacy education, emotional management and concept guidance, training opinion leaders. In order to realize the orderly public participation of college students on Weibo, the guiding countermeasures are put forward from several aspects, such as unblocking the path of participation and creating a good network environment.


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