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发布时间:2019-05-20 00:24
[Abstract]:This study takes the performance salary structure of university teachers as the research object, selects D University as the typical case of high level university, and uses the case analysis method and qualitative research method. The survey interview questionnaire method and comparative research method make a detailed analysis of the research objects, and reconstruct the structure of university teachers' performance compensation on the basis of the national macro university teacher performance compensation policy. In order to achieve the goal of deepening the construction of teacher performance compensation structure in colleges and universities. This study focuses on the reconstruction of the structure model of teachers' performance compensation in colleges and universities, and draws the following conclusions: 1. The research on teachers' performance compensation in colleges and universities is becoming the focus of attention in academic circles. The reconstruction of the structure model of university teachers' performance compensation must be based on the national performance compensation policy and law. The reconstruction of the structure model of university teachers' performance compensation must be in line with the characteristics of high-level university performance development. The reconstruction of the structure model of teachers' performance compensation in colleges and universities must be suitable for the composition of the elements of performance compensation. The reconstruction of the performance compensation structure model of university teachers must conform to the performance score point structure. 6. The theoretical and practical value of the reconstruction of the structure model of teachers' performance compensation in colleges and universities is of great value. The main policy value of this study is to provide suggestions for the national policy on performance compensation of university teachers. The core innovation of this study lies in the careful analysis of the original structure model of university teachers' performance compensation based on the national performance compensation policy of university teachers and the case analysis of high level university performance compensation. This paper finds out the problems, and finally reconstructs the structure model of university teachers' performance compensation, and establishes the structure of university teachers' performance pay-performance score point system, teaching performance point system, research performance point system and social performance point system. In order to achieve the purpose of restructuring the performance salary structure of university teachers. In addition, in order to realize the reconstruction of the structure model of university teachers' performance compensation in a more comprehensive and meticulous way, this study also creatively establishes the P / C model diagram of university teachers' performance compensation. The P / S model diagram of university teachers' performance compensation and the integration model diagram of university teachers' performance compensation are used to analyze the structure reconstruction of university teachers' performance compensation by matrix analysis.


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