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发布时间:2019-05-26 21:37
[Abstract]:The implementation of Taiwan's policy of building a world-class university is not only the need for Taiwan to enhance its international competitiveness, but also the need for the reform and development of its higher education itself. From the initial "plan to develop first-class international universities and top research centers" to the "plan to move towards top universities", Taiwan's policy of building a world-class university has been constantly adjusted in order to better achieve the goal of building a world-class university. To promote the improvement and improvement of the overall level of higher education in Taiwan. At the same time, the policy and its implementation process also reflect the rational and flexible design and implementation of the policy, the establishment of objective and scientific objectives, the equal emphasis on science, technology and humanities, and the strict fairness of audit and performance appraisal.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学教育研究院;
【基金】:厦门大学2013年度“优秀博士培养计划”资助项目 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“现代大学制度原理与中国大学模式探索”,项目编号:11JJD880021


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