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发布时间:2019-05-29 03:50
【摘要】:大学生德育历来是我国思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分,是国内外专家学者研究的重点。一门学科只有不断地吸收借鉴各种有益成果才能发展,思想政治教育也不例外,如何在新时期发掘传统德育的宝贵价值,借鉴西方德育的优秀经验,将理论引入实践,在实际工作中拓展大学生德育发展路径,研究大学生德育路径的选择问题具有现实和理论的双重意义。 本文主要采用比较法,首先通过大学生德育路径选择的时代审视理清当代我国大学生德育路径发展存在的问题,在问题的基础上从比较德育视阈入手,分两条线路,纵向上通过对我国传统德育发展路径进行回溯,探讨传统德育路径的当代价值。横向上对比其他国家现代化进程中的德育经验,分别对韩国、新加坡、美国大学生的德育路径发展现状进行阐述和归纳,去粗取精,去伪存真,扬长避短,,为我国现代德育的发展提供经验借鉴。最后,理论联系实际,通过对传统和国外优秀资源的借鉴,落脚在我国当代大学生德育路径的创新和实现上。
[Abstract]:Moral education of college students has always been an important part of ideological and political education in our country, and it is the focus of experts and scholars at home and abroad. Only by constantly absorbing and drawing lessons from all kinds of beneficial achievements can a discipline develop, and ideological and political education is no exception. How to explore the valuable value of traditional moral education in the new period, draw lessons from the excellent experience of western moral education, and introduce theory into practice. It is of both practical and theoretical significance to expand the development path of college students' moral education and to study the choice of college students' moral education path. This paper mainly adopts the comparative method, first of all, through the era of college students' moral education path choice to examine and clarify the problems existing in the development of contemporary college students' moral education path in our country, on the basis of the problem, starting from the comparative moral education threshold, it is divided into two lines. Vertically, this paper probes into the contemporary value of the traditional moral education path by tracing back the development path of the traditional moral education in our country. Horizontally, compared with the experience of moral education in the process of modernization in other countries, this paper expounds and sums up the present situation of the development of moral education path of college students in South Korea, Singapore and the United States, takes advantage of refinement, distinguishes false things, preserves the real things, and makes full use of their strengths and evades their weaknesses. It provides experience for the development of modern moral education in our country. Finally, combining theory with practice, through the reference of traditional and foreign excellent resources, it is based on the innovation and realization of moral education path of contemporary college students in our country.


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