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发布时间:2019-05-29 05:40
【摘要】:大学生职业选择是大学生根据自身能力、兴趣等在众多职业中选择自己能胜任的职业的过程。众多研究者对职业选择进行了研究,其中影响最广泛的是人职匹配理论。本研究以人职匹配理论为基础,用动物意象探究大学生的人格职业特质,使大学生更了解自己,从而更有针对性的选择职业。动物意象是大脑对动物形象的反映和加工,通过反映和加工则将动物特性内化为人格特质,因而可以用动物意象来认识人格特质。 本次研究就是通过统计的方法探索了大学生呈现的动物意象特征及其职业人格特质与的关系,发现了大学生的动物意象性别、体型、颜色、饮食、生存空间、习性特征及其在不同职业特质上存在的差异性,并得出结论:(1)大学生呈现的动物意象以雌性、小型、暖色、食草、陆地类动物为主,且在动物意象呈现过程中女生更易感受到动物意象,因而她们呈现的动物意象更多;(2)适合从事现实型职业的大学生呈现的动物意象特征为男性、大型、食草(或杂食)、独居;(2)适合从事研究型职业的大学生呈现的动物意象特征为大型、食草、陆地活动和天空飞行;(4)适合从事艺术型职业的大学生呈现的动物意象特征为女性、小型、食草(或杂食)、水生和天空飞行;(5)适合从事社会型职业的大学生呈现的动物意象特征为女性、食草、陆地活动和群居;(6)适合从事管理型职业的大学生呈现的动物意象特征为大型、食肉、群居;(7)适合从事常规型职业的大学生呈现的动物意象为女性、小型、食草、群居。研究还通过具体的案例分析总结动物意象在大学生职业选择中的具体应用步骤,全面论证动物意象在大学生职业选择中的运用。
[Abstract]:College students' career choice is a process in which college students choose their competent occupations according to their own ability and interest. Many researchers have studied career choice, among which the theory of job matching is the most widely influenced. Based on the theory of human-job matching, this study explores the personality and occupation characteristics of college students with animal images, so that college students can better understand themselves and choose their careers more targeted. Animal image is the reflection and processing of animal image by the brain. Through reflection and processing, animal characteristics can be internalized into personality traits, so animal images can be used to understand personality traits. This study explores the animal image characteristics and the relationship between the professional personality characteristics and the animal image characteristics of college students by statistical method, and finds out the animal image sex, body type, color, diet and living space of college students. The characteristics of habits and their differences in different occupational characteristics are concluded as follows: (1) the animal images of college students are mainly female, small, warm, herbivorous and terrestrial animals. And in the process of animal image presentation, female students are more likely to feel animal image, so they present more animal images. (2) the animal image characteristics of college students who are suitable for practical occupation are male, large, herbivorous (or omnivorous), living alone; (2) the animal images of college students who are suitable for research occupations are large, herbivorous, land activities and sky flight; (4) the animal images of college students who are suitable for artistic occupation are female, small, herbivorous (or omnivorous), aquatic and sky flying; (5) the animal image characteristics of college students who are suitable for social occupation are female, herbivorous, land activities and group living, (6) the animal image characteristics of college students who are suitable for management occupation are large, carnivorous and social living, and (6) the animal image characteristics of college students who are suitable for social occupation are large, carnivorous and social living. (7) the animal images of college students who are suitable for conventional occupation are female, small, herbivorous and living in groups. The study also summarizes the specific application steps of animal image in college students' career choice through specific case analysis, and comprehensively demonstrates the application of animal image in college students' career choice.


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