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发布时间:2019-06-05 09:02
【摘要】:后现代主义是一股兴起于西方社会的文化和哲学思潮,从20世纪70-80年代开始向全世界蔓延,这个“幽灵”走出了文学领域这个狭窄的围墙,走进了艺术、历史、哲学等诸多领域,成为一种广泛的文化思潮。后现代主义以一种逆向的思维方式对现代主义进行批判、否定和超越,范围波及社会的方方面面,同样的对教育领域也产生了巨大的影响。后现代主义教育思想主张平等的教育观、多元的教学目的和开放的课程观,对教育理念的发展有积极的意义,但是后现代主义教育观在学生主体性、师生平等关系和反对同一性等方面的倡导过于绝对化,忽视了合理教师权威存在的必要性,犯了矫枉过正的错误。本文从后现代主义教育观出发,阐述高校教师权威存在的必要性,分析后现代主义教育观对高校教师权威消解的双重影响,进而提出构建新型高校教师权威的途径和方法。 论文分为五部分。第一部分为绪论,内容包括选题目的和意义、国内外研究动态、研究思路与方法以及研究难点和创新点。第二部分对后现代主义的概念和特征进行阐述,同时也对后现代主义教育观的主要思想进行论述。第三部分简单介绍权威和教师权威的基本概念,通过问卷调查的分析,论述高校教师权威存在的必要性。第四部分是论文的重要内容,分析后现代主义教育观对高校教师权威消解的表现,进而对其消解的积极影响和消极影响进行了解读。第五部分提出构建新型的高校教师权威模式和现实途径。 本文的主要观点如下: 1、后现代主义教育学者对现代教育的种种弊端进行了严厉的批判,强调教育的多样性、民主性和开放性,从教育观,教育目的,课程观,师生关系和教育研究方法上构建了一个新型的教育框架。 2、高校教师权威对于高校教学顺利进行起到非常重要的作用。教师权威是学生发展的需要,是教师角色实现的需求,是合理师生关系形成的基础,教师权威有助于获得更好的教学效果。 3、后现代主义教育观对高校教师权威消解表现在高校教师法定权成的弱化,“师贵于生”转变为“师生平等”以及高校教师作为课程的执行者被淡化三个方面。后现代主义教育观对高校教师权威消解的积极影响是,打破了高校传统的师生“二元对立”模式,颠覆了高校传统教师灌输式的教学活动,有利于重塑高校对话型师生关系以及解放“权威”思想的束缚。其消极影响是过度强调大学生自由,忽视知识的科学性和社会性,淡化了高校教师的引导和规范约束作用,拒斥接受式学习,降低了学习效率,轻视以书本为载体的客观性知识,削弱打学生发展的内容支撑。 4、构建新型高校教师权威的途径包括高校教师内在权威的构建和制度权威的构建。内在权威的构建从高校教师专业知识权威、能力权威和魅力权威方面提升,制度权威的构建方法是贯彻落实教育法律法规制度,保障高校教师的制度权威,创新教育管理制度和建立高校教师监督机制。
[Abstract]:The post-modernism is a cultural and philosophical thought of the western society, which has spread to the whole world from the 1970s to the 1980s, and the spirit "came out of the narrow wall in the field of literature, and entered the fields of art, history, philosophy and so on and became a broad cultural trend of thought." The post-modernism is a kind of backward mode of thinking to criticize, deny and surpass the modernism, the scope and all aspects of the society, and also have a great influence on the education field. The post-modernism educational thought advocates the equal education view, the multi-element teaching purpose and the open curriculum view, has positive significance to the development of the education idea, but the post-modernism education concept is too absolute in the student's subjectivity, the relationship between the teachers and the students and the opposition to identity, The necessity of the existence of a reasonable teacher's authority is ignored, and an error is made. This paper, from the view of post-modernism education, expounds the necessity of the existence of the authority of the university teachers, analyzes the double influence of the post-modernism education view on the authoritative resolution of the university teachers, and then puts forward the ways and methods to construct the authority of the new university teachers. The paper is divided into five parts The first part is the introduction, the content includes the purpose and meaning of the topic, the domestic and foreign research dynamic, the research thinking and the method, the research difficulties and the innovation The second part expounds the concept and characteristics of post-modernism, and also discusses the main idea of post-modernism education view. The third part briefly introduces the basic concept of the authority and the teacher's authority, and through the analysis of the questionnaire, the necessity of the authority of the university teachers is discussed. The fourth part is the important content of the thesis, analyzes the performance of the post-modernism education view to the teacher's authoritative resolution, and then understands the positive influence and the negative influence of the digestion. The fifth part of the paper puts forward the construction of a new type of teacher's authoritative mode and the real way The main view of this paper The points are as follows:1. The post-modern educational scholars have criticized the shortcomings of modern education, and emphasized the diversity, democracy and openness of education, from the view of education and education. On the basis of course view, teacher-student relationship and education research method, a new model is constructed the educational framework of the university, and the authority of the university teachers play a very important role in the teaching of higher learning The teacher's authority is the need of the student's development, it is the need of the teacher's role realization, it is the basis of the formation of the reasonable teacher-student relationship, the teacher's authority is helpful to obtain To improve the teaching effect.3. The post-modernism education view is the weakening of the legal rights of the university teachers, and the teacher's" transition to the teachers and students" and the holding of the university teachers as the course The positive effect of post-modernism education view on the teacher's authoritative resolution is to break the traditional teacher-student "binary opposition" pattern of the university and subvert the traditional teaching activity of the traditional teacher in the university, which is beneficial to the remodeling of the teacher-student relationship between the college and the university, and the liberation of the "trunk" and "authority". The negative effect is to overstress the freedom of the college students, to ignore the scientific and social nature of the knowledge, to weaken the guiding and normative constraints of the university teachers, to reject the acceptance-based learning, to reduce the learning efficiency and to despise the books. to weaken the objective knowledge of the carrier the content support of the development of the students.4. The way to construct the new teachers' authority includes the internal authority of the university teachers The construction of the authority of the system is improved from the authority of the professional knowledge of the university, the authority of competence and the authority of the charm, and the construction of the system authority is to implement the system of educational laws and regulations, to guarantee the system authority of the university teachers and to innovate the education management system.


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