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发布时间:2019-06-09 18:46
【摘要】:高校作为重要的科研基地之一,拥有显著的学科特色和明显的学科优势,为了满足各学科在知识传播与利用的信息社会中不断发展进步的强烈需求,作为文献信息资源保障基地的大学图书馆,也逐步将其服务方向由资源建设转向学科服务,由此,资源建设也越发与重点学科有着越来越紧密的联系,特色资源体系为重点学科建设提供资源基础,而重点学科建设水平又促进或制约着特色资源的建设。鉴于此,高校图书馆应依托重点学科的优势,借助本馆的资源基础及图书情报专业优势,致力于围绕重点学科开展特色资源建设,广泛汇集学科领域的各种信息,加强各类信息资源的集成整合,实现学科导航并深入开展知识挖掘,打造特色鲜明的学科资源保障体系。 为了能够全面而客观地反映出我国的特色资源建设状况和发展水平,笔者以我国的39所“985”高校图书馆为样本,同时选取英国剑桥大学和美国耶鲁大学这两所国外著名高校的图书馆做对比研究,调查其图书馆拥有的特色资源,尤其是学科特色资源现状及其国家级重点学科情况。笔者在利用SPSS统计分析工具对我国高校图书馆特色资源建设与其重点学科进行相关性分析的基础上,揭示出二者的结合程度仍有提升空间,进而提出了我国图书馆现阶段在学科特色资源建设上存在着重视不够、结合程度不高、建设水平不平衡、学科特色不突出等问题。针对这些问题,笔者建议围绕高校重点学科开展特色资源建设,在建设中,尽可能地将二者紧密联系起来,以期达到相互促进的局面。具体来说,策略如下:提高对学科特色资源建设的认识,给予重视;立足基本职能,服务本校教学科研;建立基于重点学科的特色馆藏和特色数字资源;建立学科资源库,开展特色服务;成立技术开发部门,整合馆藏资源;建立一支素质过硬,结构合理的学科馆员队伍;加强馆际合作与交流,实现资源共享。笔者希望可以为我国特色资源建设事业略尽绵薄之力,通过不断改革和完善建设策略,提高我国高校图书馆特色资源建设的价值与水平,进而更好地发展与服务经济社会。
[Abstract]:As one of the important scientific research bases, the university has the outstanding subject characteristics and obvious subject advantages. In order to meet the strong demand of the development and progress of the information society of each discipline in the knowledge transmission and utilization, as the university library of the literature information resource guarantee base, It also gradually turns its service direction from the resource construction to the subject service, therefore, the resource construction is more and more closely related to the key subject, and the characteristic resource system provides the resource base for key discipline construction. The construction of the key discipline also promotes or restricts the construction of the characteristic resources. In view of this, the university library should rely on the advantages of the key disciplines, with the help of the resource base of the library and the advantages of the library information, to focus on the construction of the characteristic resources around the key subject, to collect various information in the field of discipline, and to strengthen the integration and integration of all kinds of information resources. To realize the subject navigation and to carry out the development of the knowledge mining, to create a special subject resource guarantee system. In order to be able to comprehensively and objectively reflect the situation and development level of our country's characteristic resources, the author makes a comparative research on the library of the two famous universities in the UK and the United States at the same time, taking the 39 "985" university library as a sample in our country and at the same time selecting the two famous universities in the United Kingdom of Cambridge and the United States To investigate and investigate the characteristic resources of the library, in particular the current situation of the subject and the state of the national key subject In this paper, on the basis of the analysis of the correlation between the characteristic resources construction and the key subject of the university library in China by using the SPSS statistical analysis tool, it is revealed that the degree of the combination of the two is still improved. In addition, it is pointed out that the library of our country has not enough attention to the construction of the subject characteristic resources, the combination degree is not high, the construction level is not balanced, the subject characteristic does not project, etc. In view of these problems, the author suggests that the construction of special resources should be carried out around the key subject of the university. In the construction, the two are closely related to each other, so as to achieve the mutual promotion. In particular, the strategy is as follows: to improve the understanding of the construction of the subject's characteristic resources, to give attention to it, to serve the teaching and research of the school based on the basic functions, to establish the characteristic collection and the characteristic digital resources based on the key disciplines, to establish a subject resource base and to carry out the characteristic clothing. The establishment of the technical development department and the whole collection of resources; the establishment of a qualified and rational team of subject librarians; and the strengthening of inter-library cooperation and communication, and the realization of a total of resources The author hopes to make a good contribution to the construction of Chinese characteristic resources, and to improve the value and the level of the construction of the characteristic resources of the university library in our country through the continuous reform and the improvement of the construction strategy, so as to further develop and service the service economy.


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