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发布时间:2019-06-09 21:23
【摘要】:美国加州①公立社区学院在100多年的发展历史中,取得了巨大的成就,是加州公立高等教育的重要组成部分。其中,加州公立社区学院专业设置与调整科学规范、管理严格,值得学习借鉴。本文探讨加州公立社区学院专业设置与调整的相关法律法规以及管理机构,特别是各级教育行政主管部门职责和权力的划定。进而,研究加州公立社区学院专业设置与调整的申请程序,探讨一个专业该如何客观地综合各种因素,才能符合社会发展的需要。 我国的高职院校是高等教育重要的组成部分,自1999年高校扩招以来,得到了快速发展。目前,高职院校在校生规模已接近一千万②。但高职院校教育质量却并不乐观。很多学校专业结构不合理,与社会经济文化发展的变化需求不一致,大量学生毕业后无法找到与专业对口的工作。如何提高高职院校专业设置的科学性与合理性,是当前迫切需要研究的问题。 一个合理的专业至少要达到两方面的要求:(1)专业必须根源于社会的发展需要;(2)学校有足够的资源保证开设专业的教育质量。大量的研究发现,我国很多高职院校的专业都不能够满足这两点。为何大量不合理的专业能够通过教育行政主管部门的审批,这是问题的关键。也就是说,要使高职院校的专业结构科学合理,教育行政主管部门必须加强对专业设置与调整的管理。 研究国外高校在专业设置与调整上的先进理念与实践,加深对专业的认识,为我国教育改革提供借鉴与参考,有着很强的现实意义。根据加州公立社区学院的经验,高职院校和教育行政主管部门必须客观、理性地综合各种因素,,才能优化高职院校的专业结构。
[Abstract]:California 1 Public Community College has made great achievements in the development history of more than 100 years, and it is an important part of California public higher education. Among them, California Public Community College professional setting and adjustment of scientific norms, strict management, worthy of learning and reference. This paper discusses the relevant laws and regulations of the professional establishment and adjustment of California Public Community College and the delineation of the responsibilities and powers of the administrative departments of education at all levels. Furthermore, this paper studies the application procedure of specialty setting and adjustment in California Public Community College, and discusses how a major can objectively synthesize various factors in order to meet the needs of social development. Higher vocational colleges in China are an important part of higher education. Since the expansion of enrollment in 1999, colleges and universities have been developed rapidly. At present, the scale of students in higher vocational colleges is close to 10 million. However, the quality of higher vocational education is not optimistic. The professional structure of many schools is unreasonable, which is inconsistent with the changing needs of social, economic and cultural development. A large number of students can not find jobs with their majors after graduation. How to improve the science and rationality of specialty setting in higher vocational colleges is an urgent problem to be studied at present. A reasonable major should meet at least two requirements: (1) the major must be rooted in the needs of social development; (2) the school has sufficient resources to ensure the quality of education. A large number of studies have found that many higher vocational colleges in China can not meet these two points. Why a large number of unreasonable majors can pass the approval of the education administrative department, this is the key to the problem. In other words, in order to make the professional structure of higher vocational colleges scientific and reasonable, the administrative department of education must strengthen the management of specialty setting and adjustment. It is of great practical significance to study the advanced ideas and practices of foreign colleges and universities in the setting and adjustment of specialties, to deepen the understanding of specialties, and to provide reference for the educational reform of our country. According to the experience of California Public Community College, higher vocational colleges and educational administrative departments must objectively and rationally synthesize various factors in order to optimize the professional structure of higher vocational colleges.


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2 柳春霞;美国职业指导发展的历程及对我们的启示[J];河南职技师院学报(职业教育版);2001年03期




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