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发布时间:2019-06-10 04:41
[Abstract]:With the deepening of higher education reform in China, especially since the expansion of college enrollment and the implementation of university tuition allocation mechanism, the number of poor students in colleges and universities has been increasing, and the problem of poor students has become more and more prominent. The government, society and colleges and universities all attach great importance to the subsidy work of poor students in colleges and universities. At present, colleges and universities in our country have basically formed a financial aid system for poor students, which has alleviated the problem of studying for poor students in colleges and universities to a certain extent and helped many poor college students to complete their studies. However, at present, there is a lack of emotional and spiritual care in the financial support system for poor students in colleges and universities, the humanitarian care in the funding system is insufficient, the degree of public trust is declining, and the atmosphere of financial assistance is not strong. The lack of ethics and morality of poor students is worth paying attention to. This paper points out that the lack of subsidy ethics for poor students in colleges and universities is mainly affected by the institutional defects of financial support for poor students in colleges and universities, the impact of pluralistic values in the transition period and the deviation of charity ethics in the traditional culture of our country. In order to construct the ethics of financial support for poor students in colleges and universities, we should follow the principles of humanitarianism, justice, promotion of development, the combination of his assistance and self-help, and start with the government, colleges and universities, society and the individual of poor students. Strengthen their own ethical and moral construction.


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