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发布时间:2019-06-10 14:28
【摘要】:在全球向知识经济型社会转变的今天,工程人才的培养至关重要,实践动手能力是工程人才的重要属性。在这一形势下对我国工科学生的实践能力也提出了更高的要求,而当前我国工科毕业生被责实践动手能力不足。究其原因是在读期间实践训练不足。实习是实践训练环节的重要组成部分,是提升学生实践动手能力的有效方式,抓好实习工科将有利于改善我国工程人才实践能力不足现状。 法国工科生五元一体企业实习系统,帮助学生在学业期间到真实的工程环境、企业环境中参与到真实的工程工作中,提高学生的实践动手能力,与校内工程教育一起培养出了大量优秀工程人才。本文通过分析法国工科生五元合一企业实习系统,解读实习系统成员角色和特点,为我国工科生建立合理有效的企业实习体系提供参考。 法国工科生五元合一实习系统的五元分别是政府、学校、学生、企业和中介组织。其中政府作为系统的主导者,通过法律文件对实习系统进行规范,从宏观层面调控,通过灵活的处理方式,与各系统成员达成动态平衡;学校是实习系统的主动参与者,对学生实习进行管理的同时帮助学生寻找实习;学生作为实习系统最大的受益者,积极主动的寻找实习,配合企业和学校的考核;企业是实习系统的重要参与者,也是实习系统的受益者,通过接收实习生、培训实习生收获良好的社会声誉和优秀员工等;中介组织是实习系统的主要平台构建者,通过信息交流,促进实习系统运行。 我国工科本科生企业实习难是亟待解决的问题,究其根本,实习活动的利益相关者未能达成共识,形成完善的企业实习系统,本文通过对法国工科生五元合一实习系统的深度分析,提出对我国工科生实习的建议,,以期建设适应我国国情的“多方参与、互惠共赢”的实习系统。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the transformation from the world to the knowledge-based economy society, the cultivation of engineering talents is very important, and the practical ability is an important attribute of engineering talents. In this situation, the practical ability of engineering students in China is also put forward higher requirements, but at present, the engineering graduates in China are not responsible for practical ability. The reason is the lack of practical training during reading. Practice is an important part of practical training and an effective way to improve students' practical ability. Doing a good job in practice engineering will be helpful to improve the present situation of the lack of practical ability of engineering talents in our country. The five yuan integrated enterprise practice system for French engineering students helps students to participate in the real engineering work during their studies and in the enterprise environment, so as to improve their practical ability. Together with the engineering education in the school, a large number of excellent engineering talents have been trained. This paper analyzes the practice system of French engineering students in one-in-one enterprise, interprets the role and characteristics of the members of the practice system, and provides a reference for the establishment of a reasonable and effective enterprise practice system for engineering students in China. The five-dollar internship system for French engineering students is government, school, student, enterprise and intermediary organization. Among them, the government, as the leader of the system, standardizes the practice system through legal documents, adjusts and controls the practice system from the macro level, and achieves a dynamic balance with the members of each system through flexible processing. The school is the active participant of the internship system, which manages the student practice and helps the students find the internship at the same time. As the biggest beneficiary of the practice system, the students take the initiative to find the practice and cooperate with the examination of the enterprise and the school. Enterprises are important participants in the internship system, but also the beneficiaries of the internship system, through receiving interns, training interns to gain a good social reputation and excellent employees, and so on. Intermediary organization is the main platform builder of internship system, which promotes the operation of internship system through information exchange. The difficulty of enterprise practice for engineering undergraduates in China is an urgent problem to be solved. Fundamentally, the stakeholders of practice activities have failed to reach a consensus and form a perfect enterprise practice system. Based on the in-depth analysis of the five-element practice system for French engineering students, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the practice of engineering students in China, in order to construct a "multi-party participation, mutual benefit and win-win" practice system which adapts to the national conditions of our country.


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