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发布时间:2019-06-12 11:39
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,人们对物质文明的追求外,越来越重视精神文明的同步发展,而公共文化服务是精神文明的重要方面。很多地区甚至将提升公共文化服务这种软实力作为一个一个地区形象的头等大事。 昆明呈贡大学城作为西部地区一个少有的大学城新建社区,也是昆明市重点建设项目。从2003年立项建设以来,该地区人口激增,,公共文化服务缺失和不足有目共睹,加快该地区公共文化服务建设势在必行。 本文立足于呈贡大学城,第一章的主要内容是介绍呈贡大学城的建设情况和公共文化服务的相关概念,同时阐述大学城公共文化服务所存在的问题。 第二章本文对大学城公共文化服务政策及存在的问题进行梳理,主要分为两个部分:其一是呈贡大学城发展历程及存在问题,其二就是呈贡大学城公共文化服务政策需求及现状。通过走访、调查和相关部门的支持,得出该地区在公共文化服务政策方面的优势和不足。 第三章是本文的研究特色创新之一,通过对国内沿海城市广州大学城和南京仙林大学城建设实践对呈贡大学城公共文化服务政策供给方面的启示,该部分运用了对比分析法,得出两者的优势和劣势,特别是给西部的呈贡大学城未来的完善和发展注入新的标榜作用。 第四章针对第二章呈贡大学城公共文化服务的政策需求,提出相关完善和建设该地区公共文化服务的有针对性的、可行的政策对策。更重要的是,本文将紧扣政策的主题,对政策的研究将做到具体性,全面性和新颖性的创新特点。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy in our country, people pay more and more attention to the synchronous development of spiritual civilization in addition to the pursuit of material civilization, and public cultural service is an important aspect of spiritual civilization. Many regions even regard the promotion of public cultural services as a top priority for a regional image. Kunming Chenggong University City, as a rare new community in the western region, is also a key construction project in Kunming. Since the establishment of the project in 2003, the population of the area has soared, and the lack and shortage of public cultural services is obvious to all. It is imperative to speed up the construction of public cultural services in this area. Based on Chenggong University City, the main content of the first chapter is to introduce the construction of Chenggong University City and the related concepts of public cultural service, and to explain the problems existing in the public cultural service of Chenggong University City. The second chapter combs the public cultural service policy and existing problems of Chenggong University City, which is divided into two parts: one is the development process and existing problems of Chenggong University City, the other is the demand and present situation of Chenggong University City Public Cultural Service Policy. Through the visit, investigation and the support of the relevant departments, the advantages and disadvantages of the public cultural service policy in this area are obtained. The third chapter is one of the research characteristics of this paper, through the domestic coastal cities of Guangzhou University City and Nanjing Xianlin University City construction practice of Chenggong University City public cultural service policy supply enlightenment, this part of the use of comparative analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the two, especially to the western Chenggong University City in the future improvement and development of a new flaunt role. The fourth chapter aims at the policy demand of the public cultural service of Chenggong University City in the second chapter, and puts forward some targeted and feasible policy countermeasures for perfecting and constructing the public cultural service in this area. More importantly, this paper will pay close attention to the theme of policy, and the research on policy will achieve the innovative characteristics of specificity, comprehensiveness and novelty.


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