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发布时间:2019-06-17 08:31
[Abstract]:Public elective course is an important part of the curriculum system of colleges and universities in our country, which plays a very important role in the curriculum system of colleges and universities in our country. The purpose of public elective course is to perfect students' knowledge structure, improve students' humanistic quality and cultivate students' scientific quality. Nowadays, the competition of talents in society is very fierce. The goal of cultivating students in colleges and universities is practical and innovative talents. Only by learning the most useful methods and skills to understand and solve problems in a limited time can students adapt to social life. Public elective courses have many functions, such as knowledge expansion, skill improvement, comprehensive training and so on, which have distinct characteristics and are obviously different from compulsory courses. The public elective courses in colleges and universities in China are managed by the academic Affairs Office of colleges and universities, and are responsible for the examination, registration and teaching inspection of public elective courses. As far as the present situation of public elective courses is concerned, there are still many problems in the management of public elective courses in colleges and universities. The offering of public elective courses and their teaching quality is a weak link in the process of setting up the curriculum system and cultivating talents in colleges and universities in China. The outstanding problem in the management of public elective courses is that students are still in a passive situation in curriculum design and selection, so that elective courses can not give full play to their real role and become unvalued courses. This paper first discusses the concept and function of public elective courses in colleges and universities in China and the relationship between public elective courses and credit system, and on this basis, through analysis and summary, it is concluded that there are many problems in the management of public elective courses in colleges and universities in China, such as the lack of students' right to choose public elective courses, the unreasonable structure of public elective courses, and the need to improve the quality of public elective courses. By drawing lessons from the advanced experience of public elective course management in colleges and universities such as the United States, Japan and South Korea, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for emphasizing the dominant position of students, setting up the structure of elective courses scientifically and improving the quality of public elective courses, so as to give full play to the initiative of students in elective public elective courses and provide reference results for the cultivation of innovative talents in colleges and universities.


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