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发布时间:2019-06-19 09:05
[Abstract]:The portability of the mobile phone, the simple networking and the portable diversity of the terminal application enable the college students to increase the dependence of the mobile phone on the Internet, and the online time of the mobile phone is gradually increasing, and the ""head-down family" phone control" of the college students is becoming the normal state. The mobile network era, It not only has a profound influence on the physical and mental development, the study and the life of the college students, but also presents a great challenge to the university campus network management and the university's education, and how to fasten the times and innovate the Internet management and education mode of the university is the real problem that needs to be solved urgently. It is also one of the most important research subjects.
【作者单位】: 金陵科技学院思想政治理论课教学部;


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