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发布时间:2019-06-19 18:02
【摘要】:高校校园文化作为社会主流文化的代表之一,具有育人功能、导向功能、凝聚功能、激励功能和辐射功能。作为新兴媒体的微博具有促进网络交往深度化发展、加速网络人群分化、促进舆论传播与表达、加强社会动员等功能特征,传播速度即时性,交流语境微型化、碎片化,传播内容自主化,传播方式互动化。在以微博为代表的“自媒体”时代,既为高校校园文化建设提供新的载体和契机,同时也为之带来了诸多挑战。 高校作为先进文化的代表,需要借助微博的优势,不断推动校园文化建设。微博为高校校园文化建设提供了新的载体,提高了高校校园文化建设的参与度。一方面,高校拥有了校园文化建设更加开放、更加广阔的平台,丰富了校园文化建设的内容,微博也可以成为高校对外、对内宣传的有利窗台,成为服务师生的平台,有利于做好舆情收集和引导。另一方面,微博的应用也为高校校园文化建设带来了消极影响。把关人的缺失,传播内容难以把控,高校议程设置的能力减弱,而且容易导致学生沉溺于微博。 充分把握微博的话语特征,转变高校校园文化建设的原有理念,从“一元独白”到“多元对话”,从“高势位”灌输到“嵌入式”表达,,从“完美化”包装到“生活化”展示,在实践中找到微博推动高校校园文化建设的策略和实现途径,那就是:构建高校多层次的微博体系,维护学校微博品牌,加强微博内容管理,关注微博话题策划,创建学校微博关系群,关注微博舆论预防危机,培养微博管理团队。
[Abstract]:As one of the representatives of the mainstream culture of society, campus culture in colleges and universities has the functions of educating, guiding, condensing, motivating and radiating. Weibo, as a new media, has the functional characteristics of promoting the deep development of network communication, speeding up the differentiation of network crowd, promoting the dissemination and expression of public opinion, strengthening social mobilization, etc., the speed of communication is instant, the communication context is miniaturized, fragmented, the communication content is autonomous, and the communication mode is interactive. In the era of "self-media" represented by Weibo, it not only provides a new carrier and opportunity for the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities, but also brings many challenges to it. As the representative of advanced culture, colleges and universities need to use the advantages of Weibo to constantly promote the construction of campus culture. Weibo provides a new carrier for the construction of campus culture and improves the participation in the construction of campus culture. On the one hand, colleges and universities have a more open and broader platform for campus culture construction, which enriches the content of campus culture construction. Weibo can also become a favorable window sill for colleges and universities to publicize abroad and internally, and become a platform for serving teachers and students, which is conducive to collecting and guiding public opinion. On the other hand, the application of Weibo has also brought a negative impact on the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities. The lack of gatekeeper, the dissemination of content is difficult to control, the ability to set the agenda of colleges and universities is weakened, and it is easy for students to indulge in Weibo. Fully grasp the discourse characteristics of Weibo, change the original concept of campus culture construction in colleges and universities, from "monologue" to "pluralistic dialogue", from "high potential" indoctrination to "embedded" expression, from "perfect" packaging to "life" display, find the strategy and realization way of Weibo to promote the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities in practice, that is, to construct a multi-level Weibo system in colleges and universities and maintain the Strengthen Weibo content management, pay attention to Weibo topic planning, create a school Weibo relationship group, pay attention to the public opinion to prevent the crisis, cultivate the management team.


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