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发布时间:2019-06-22 14:47
【摘要】:当今时代,科技成为一国综合竞争力的决定因素,人力资源作为生产要素越来越关键,中国的高等教育到了大众化发展的阶段,高校毕业生的就业形势越来越严峻,高校创业教育顺应时代发展的需求而产生,在东西部地区发展差距拉大的当下,临沧师范高等专科学校作为云南省边疆州市的高校,开展好创业教育是其重要的使命。 由于经济发展水平的滞后,临沧师范高等专科学校的创业教育与发达地区相比还存在着较大的差距,表现为创业教育氛围不浓,实践平台少,大学生创业人数少,创业的团队意识薄弱,创业项目的形式单一、科技含量低,外部环境中,政府政策支持不足,企业支持不力等。本文第四部分从高校自身、地方经济社会发展水平、政府、企业、社会舆论五个层面全方位分析了问题存在的原因;第五部分借鉴了法国、新加坡、美国斯坦福大学和麻省理工学院的有益经验:第六部分从高校自身、政府、企业、舆论传媒四个层面提出了对策,高校自身层面首先应该在思想上引起高度重视,修正对创业教育的认识,加强校企合作,健全高校创业教育管理体系,将创业文化融入校园文化;政府层面首先也应从思想上高度重视,健全机构,细化职能,并发挥主导作用,为大学生创业创造优良的资金、制度政策和法律环境;企业层面应从长远利益出发,为高校创业教育提供资金、物质、指导和服务;舆论传媒要引导全社会形成“歌创业、颂创业、赞创业”的意识形态,塑造包容创业失败的心态,积极发挥对资源的牵引和整合功能,正面影响大学生的创业意识、创业心理和创业行为。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, science and technology have become the decisive factor of a country's comprehensive competitiveness, and human resources, as a factor of production, are becoming more and more critical. The employment situation of college graduates has become more and more serious at the stage of popular development of higher education in China. The entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities has come into being in line with the needs of the development of the times. At present, Lincang normal College is a university in Frontier City, Yunnan Province. It is an important mission to carry out entrepreneurship education. Due to the lag of economic development level, there is still a big gap between the entrepreneurial education of Lincang normal College and the developed areas, such as weak atmosphere of entrepreneurship education, less practical platform, less number of college students, weak team consciousness of entrepreneurship, single form of entrepreneurial project, low content of science and technology, insufficient government policy support, weak enterprise support and so on. The fourth part of this paper analyzes the causes of the problems from five aspects: colleges and universities themselves, the level of local economic and social development, the government, enterprises and public opinion. The fifth part draws lessons from the beneficial experience of France, Singapore, Stanford University and MIT: the sixth part puts forward the countermeasures from four aspects: the university itself, the government, the enterprise and the public opinion media. The university itself should first arouse great attention in thought, revise the understanding of entrepreneurship education, strengthen the cooperation between schools and enterprises, perfect the management system of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, and integrate entrepreneurial culture into campus culture. At the government level, we should attach great importance to it ideologically, perfect the organization, refine the functions, and play a leading role in creating excellent funds, institutional policies and legal environment for college students to start their own businesses, and the enterprise level should provide funds, materials, guidance and services for entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities from the perspective of long-term interests. The media of public opinion should guide the whole society to form the ideology of "singing entrepreneurship, praising entrepreneurship", shaping the mentality of tolerating the failure of entrepreneurship, giving full play to the traction and integration function of resources, and positively affecting the entrepreneurial consciousness, entrepreneurial psychology and entrepreneurial behavior of college students.


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