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发布时间:2019-06-27 19:51
【摘要】:随着科学技术的迅猛发展,以网络化、信息化为代表的信息技术不但引起了生产方式的变化,也给人们生活习惯带来了深刻的影响,尤其影响着人们对于信息的选择和接受方式。对于当代的青年大学生而言,这种影响力更是不可避免。较之“80”前的大学生,今天的大学生信息接受特点、方式都发生了很大的变化。对于高校的思想政治教育而言,会产生怎样的影响,是值得研究的。 本文以高校的在校大学生为研究对象,以当代大学生的信息接受方式和思想政治教育为研究内容,综合运用文献分析法和调查研究法等研究方法,在大学生信息接受方式分类界定和思想政治教育效果分类考量的基础上,探究两者之间是否存在相互作用的影响关系,并分析两者之间影响与被影响的作用机理。 通过实证研究和分析,本文得出以下结论: 1、大学生的信息接受方式可以分为教师课堂讲授信息接受、传统大众媒介信息接受、新媒体化信息接受和社会人际传递信息接受这四种接受方式;高校思想政治教育效果的考量可以通过大学生对目前思想政治教育的整体态度、传统思想政治教育的效果、网络介入的思想政治教育效果这三个方面来进行。 2、大学生信息接受方式与思想政治教育效果之间存在部分相关关系,“自变量”大学生信息接受方式会对“因变量”思想政治教育效果产生影响,这种影响主要表现为: (1)在大学生信息接受方式中,教师课堂讲授信息接受方式和传统大众媒介信息接受方式正向影响他们对思想政治教育的整体态度,这体现为:大学生越倾向于从课堂讲授和大众媒介中获取信息,他们对目前思想政治教育的态度就越积极。 (2)在大学生信息接受方式中,新媒体化信息接受方式和社会人际传递信息接受方式负向影响他们对思想政治教育的整体态度,这体现为:大学生越倾向于从新媒体和社会人际沟通过程中接受信息,他们对目前思想政治教育的态度就越消极。 (3)教师课堂讲授信息接受方式和传统大众媒介信息接受方式正向影响传统思想政治教育的效果和网络思想政治教育的效果。这体现为:教师课堂讲授对大学生接受信息越重要、大学生对广播、电视、纪录片等传统大众媒介传递的信息越认可,传统的思想政治政教育效果和网络思想政治教育效果就越好。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, information technology, represented by networking and informatization, not only causes the change of production mode, but also has a profound impact on people's living habits, especially the choice and acceptance of information. For contemporary young college students, this influence is even more inevitable. Compared with the college students before 80, the characteristics and ways of receiving information have changed greatly. As far as the ideological and political education in colleges and universities is concerned, it is worth studying what kind of influence it will have. This paper takes the college students in colleges and universities as the research object, takes the information acceptance mode and the ideological and political education of the contemporary college students as the research content, comprehensively uses the literature analysis method and the investigation research method and so on, on the basis of the classification definition of the information acceptance mode and the ideological and political education effect classification consideration, explores whether there is the interaction influence relationship between the two. The mechanism of the influence and the influence between the two is analyzed. Through empirical research and analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) the information acceptance methods of college students can be divided into four ways: teacher classroom teaching information acceptance, traditional mass media information acceptance, new media information acceptance and social interpersonal transmission information acceptance; The consideration of the effect of ideological and political education in colleges and universities can be carried out from three aspects: the overall attitude of college students to the current ideological and political education, the effect of traditional ideological and political education, and the effect of network intervention in ideological and political education. 2. There is a partial correlation between the information acceptance mode of college students and the effect of ideological and political education. The information acceptance mode of "independent variable" college students will have an impact on the effect of ideological and political education of "dependent variable". This influence is mainly manifested as follows: (1) in the way of information acceptance of college students, Teachers' acceptance of classroom teaching information and the traditional way of accepting mass media information have a positive impact on their overall attitude towards ideological and political education, which is reflected in that the more college students tend to obtain information from classroom teaching and mass media, the more positive their attitude towards the current ideological and political education will be. (2) in the information acceptance mode of college students, the new media information acceptance mode and the social interpersonal transmission information acceptance mode negatively affect their overall attitude towards ideological and political education, which is reflected in that the more college students tend to receive information from the process of new media and social interpersonal communication, the more negative their attitude towards the current ideological and political education will be. (3) Teachers' reception of classroom teaching information and traditional mass media information have a positive impact on the effect of traditional ideological and political education and the effect of network ideological and political education. This is reflected in: the more important teachers' classroom teaching is for college students to receive information, the more recognized the information transmitted by traditional mass media, such as radio, television, documentary and so on, the better the effect of traditional ideological and political education and network ideological and political education.


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