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发布时间:2019-06-30 20:12
【摘要】:本文是在高等教育“两课”课改的实践视野里研究大学生《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的课堂教学问题。本文以理论与调查相结合为研究原则,以文献分析法、调查法为研究手段,主要对《思想道德修养与法律基础》课探究性教学的基本问题进行了研究。 自2006年以来,我国对于“两课”的教学改革给予了相当的重视,鼓励高校能够在实际教学中采用多种有效的教学方法,提高思政课的教学效果,并特别提出了可以使用探究性的教学方法。探究性的教学方法是以建构主义理论为基础的,它符合大学生的学习心理,对于解决“两课”被边缘化的问题具有针对性,是一种适合在大学生《思想道德修养与法律基础》课上使用的教学方法。 本文通过对《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学现状的调查发现:在实际的《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学中,对探究性教学手段的使用较少;教师对学生的学习情况分析过于主观,忽视学生学习的主动性;教师对教学目标的把握机械,不注意对探究过程中情感和技术目标的设定;在教学过程中对教学内容的选择较为单调,缺乏探究所需要的各种文化资料;教学方法运用单一,不注重课堂教学的问题意识,教学互动过少;教师对教学评价的设计也存在片面性。究其原因,从主观上看,教师对《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的改革缺乏信心,一些教师不具备运用多种教学方法的能力;从客观上看,,《思想道德修养与法律基础》课知识量大,且教学资源有限。根据《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的教学中出现的问题和原因,建议在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课堂教学中能够尽可能地使用探究性的教学方法,转变传统的教学观念,理性看待学生和课程标准,制定合理的教学目标;在课堂教学中要注意丰富教学内容,把握好探究程度,选择有用的探究性教学策略和评价制度,此外,而学校也应当鼓励教师进行课堂教学的完善和改革,组织必要的教师培训活动,提高教师的教学能力。 在本文的最后,根据《思想道德修养与法律基础》课探究性教学理念,对高等教育出版社出版的《思想道德修养与法律基础》(2010年修订版)第二章的爱国主义教育做了实际的课堂教学设计,以期更好地诠释《思想道德修养与法律基础》课探究性教学理念。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the classroom teaching of "ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis" of college students from the practical perspective of the curriculum reform of "two courses" in higher education. Based on the combination of theory and investigation, and with the method of literature analysis and investigation as the research means, this paper mainly studies the basic problems of inquiry teaching in ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis. Since 2006, our country has attached great importance to the teaching reform of "two courses", encouraged colleges and universities to adopt a variety of effective teaching methods in practical teaching, improve the teaching effect of ideological and political course, and especially put forward the inquiry teaching method. The inquiry teaching method is based on constructivism theory, which accords with the learning psychology of college students, and has pertinence in solving the problem of marginalization of "two courses". It is a kind of teaching method suitable for the course of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis of college students. Through the investigation of the present situation of the teaching of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, this paper finds that in the actual teaching of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, the use of inquiry teaching means is less; the analysis of students' learning situation by teachers is too subjective and neglects the initiative of students' learning; the teachers grasp the teaching objectives mechanically and do not pay attention to the setting of emotional and technical goals in the process of inquiry. In the process of teaching, the choice of teaching content is monotonous, lack of all kinds of cultural materials needed for inquiry, the use of teaching methods is single, does not pay attention to the problem consciousness of classroom teaching, teaching interaction is too little, teachers' design of teaching evaluation also has one-sidedness. The reason is that from a subjective point of view, teachers lack confidence in the reform of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, and some teachers do not have the ability to use a variety of teaching methods. Objectively, the amount of knowledge in ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis is large, and the teaching resources are limited. According to the problems and causes in the teaching of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, it is suggested that the exploratory teaching method should be used as much as possible in the classroom teaching of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, the traditional teaching concept should be changed, the students and curriculum standards should be viewed rationally, and the reasonable teaching objectives should be formulated. In classroom teaching, we should pay attention to enriching the teaching content, grasp the inquiry degree, choose the useful inquiry teaching strategy and the evaluation system, in addition, the school should also encourage the teacher to carry on the classroom teaching perfection and the reform, organize the necessary teacher training activity, improve the teacher's teaching ability. At the end of this paper, according to the inquiry teaching idea of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, this paper makes a practical classroom teaching design of patriotism education in Chapter II of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis published by higher Education Publishing House (revised edition in 2010), in order to better interpret the inquiry teaching concept of ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis.


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