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发布时间:2019-07-01 13:12
【摘要】:加强大学生道德教育是高等学校思想政治教育工作的一项重要内容。伴随全球化以及社会主义市场经济的迅速发展、大众传媒以及互联网络的日益发达,肩负着培养具有高尚道德情操的合格人才重任的大学生道德教育面临着各种社会思潮以及西方价值观念和生活方式的挑战。特别是承载着西方资本主义意识形态印记的社会思潮不断涌现,作为一把启迪与冲击并存的双刃剑,对我国大学生道德教育的影响既潜移默化又“昭然若揭”。大学生作为我国社会主义建设事业的建设者和接班人,由于缺乏必要的鉴别力,受到一些不良西方社会思潮的蛊惑,在意识形态、价值观念、人生目标的确立等方面受到影响。 本文通过对西方社会思潮与大学生道德教育相关理论进行研究,分析了西方主要社会思潮对大学生道德教育带来的积极和消极影响,并结合国内外道德教育的优良方法,探讨了符合时代要求的大学生道德教育的主要原则,提出了应对西方主要社会思潮加强当代大学生道德教育的对策建议。优化大学生道德教育的育人环境,打造家庭教育环境、校园环境、社会环境三位一体的健康育人环境;转变大学生道德教育观念,把大学生道德教育过程看成一个内外因共同发生作用的过程,促进德育工作者和学生自身观念向以人为本、开放与发展、斗争与实践转变;调动各方面的积极性,凝聚高校理论研究、实践教学及作为社会喉舌的新闻媒体、网络等方面积极力量,多方配合,,优势互补,形成合力,以期达到开辟道德教育新领域、丰富道德教育新内容和新方法、焕发大学生道德教育的内在生命力、增强道德教育的实效性的目标。
[Abstract]:To strengthen the moral education of college students is an important part of the ideological and political education of higher education. With the rapid development of globalization and the socialist market economy, the mass media and the Internet are becoming more and more developed, The moral education of the college students, which shoulder the task of cultivating the qualified personnel with high moral sentiment, faces various social thoughts and the challenge of the western values and the way of life. In particular, the social trend of thought bearing the western capitalist ideology is constantly emerging, as a double-edged sword with the coexistence of the enlightenment and the impact, and the influence on the moral education of the college students is both latent and "to be clear and clear". As the builders and successors of our country's socialist construction, the university students are affected by the lack of necessary discrimination, the confusion of some of the bad western social thoughts, the establishment of the ideology, the values and the goal of life. This paper analyses the positive and negative influence of the western main social thoughts on the moral education of the college students through the study of the western social thoughts and the related theories of the moral education of the college students, and combines the excellent party of the moral education at home and abroad This paper discusses the main principles of the moral education of college students in conformity with the requirements of the times, and puts forward the countermeasures to strengthen the moral education of the contemporary college students by the main social thoughts of the west. On the basis of optimizing the education environment of the college students' moral education, building a three-in-one health education environment in the family education environment, the campus environment and the social environment, changing the moral education concept of the college students, and taking the moral education process of the college students as an internal and external function. To promote the transformation of the concept of moral education workers and students to the people-oriented, open and development, struggle and practice, to mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects, to aggregate the theoretical research of the university, to practice teaching and to act as the news media and network of the society's tongue, and to cooperate with each other in many ways, with the advantages of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. In order to open up the new field of moral education, enrich the new content of moral education and the new method, the new content and new method of moral education will be enriched, and the inner vitality of the moral education of the college students and the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the moral education will be enhanced.


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