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发布时间:2019-07-04 10:50
【摘要】:公民教育,简而言之就是通过教育让公民具有现代公民知识和技能,培育公民的公民意识和道德意识,使公民成为拥有合格公民资质的现代公民。公民教育是世界各国教育发展的大趋势,也是我国新形势下政治、经济和法治发展的客观要求。培养适应时代发展、我们的党和国家所需要的合格现代公民,成为一项战略任务和时代的主题。大学生是我国公民的重要组成部分,是我国的核心人力资源,是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,是我国现代化事业的中坚力量。因此,提高高校公民教育的质量,加强高校公民教育的研究就势在必行。本文在厘清“公民”“公民教育”等概念的基础上,鉴于对公民教育的历史与现实的考虑,对我国新形势下加强公民教育必要性的认识,,同时基于对国外公民教育实践的考察,着力探讨我国高校公民教育的建构。全文的内容主要分为四个部分。 一、厘清概念是研究的基础和前提。因此,首先梳理公民及公民教育的历史演进过程,并对公民、公民教育和高校公民教育的概念进行科学界定。 二、在勾勒我国新时期社会基本特征的基础上,考察了新时期实施公民教育是必要性和可行性,旨在明确我国公民教育的现实基础和未来方向。 三、对国外公民教育的理论与实践的考察。本文选取了几个典型的公民教育国家,对各国的目标、内容、途径与方法分别进行分析,主要目的在于建构我国高校公民教育体系寻求理论与实践的参照。 四、鉴于对公民教育历史与现实的考虑和新时期我国公民教育的必要性认识,同时基于对国外公民教育的考察,最后一部分着力构建我国公民教育体系。
[Abstract]:The civic education, in short, is to enable the citizen to have the knowledge and skill of the modern citizen through education, to cultivate the citizen consciousness and the moral consciousness of the citizen, and to make the citizen a modern citizen with the qualification of qualified citizens. Citizen education is a great trend of the development of the world's education, and it is also an objective requirement for the development of politics, economy and the rule of law in the new situation in our country. In order to adapt to the development of the times, the qualified and modern citizens required by our Party and state have become the subject of a strategic task and an era. College students are an important part of our country's citizens. It is the core human resource of our country. It is the builders and successors of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. It is the backbone of our country's modernization. Therefore, it is imperative to improve the quality of civic education in colleges and universities, and to strengthen the research of civic education in colleges and universities. On the basis of clarifying the concept of "citizen education", this paper, in view of the historical and realistic consideration of the citizen's education, the necessity of strengthening the civic education in the new situation of our country, and based on the investigation of the foreign citizen's education practice, The content of the full text is divided into four parts. First, to clarify the concept is the basis and premise of the research. Therefore, the process of the historical evolution of the education of the citizen and the citizen should be first sorted out and the public The scientific community of the concept of civic education and civic education Secondly, on the basis of outlining the basic characteristics of the new period in our country, the necessity and feasibility of implementing the civic education in the new period is examined, and the purpose is to make clear the reality of our country's civic education and the failure incoming party In this paper, several typical civic education countries are selected, and the goals, contents, ways and methods of the country are analyzed respectively. The main purpose is to construct the theory and the theory of the civic education system in our country. practice Fourth, in view of the consideration of the history and the reality of the citizen's education and the necessity of our country's civic education in the new period, based on the investigation of the education of the foreign citizens, the last part of the study is to build me.


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