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发布时间:2019-07-04 08:02
【摘要】:随着全球化趋势的进一步加强和中国改革开放的深入发展,近年来,中国大学生群体的思想道德观念发生了前所未有的变化,高校思想政治工作面临着新的挑战。如何在新形势下加强和改进高校思想政治工作,全面提高大学生的政治素养和思想道德水平,已成为一个亟待解决的复杂课题。任何社会实践活动都应当以的一定的资源作为支撑,高校思想政治教育活动作为教育主体对教育对象施加的有目的、有计划、有组织的影响,使教育对象形成符合主流意识形态所要求的思想品德的社会实践活动,同样也离不开资源的作用。从一定意义上说,高校思想政治教育实践的过程就是高校思想政治教育资源发挥作用的过程。高校思想政治教育资源可以简要的分为校内资源和社会资源两大板块。目前,高校思想政治教育校内资源的开发利用相对较为成熟,校内资源的利用水平也是比较高的,相比之下,高校思想政治教育社会资源的开发利用目前还处于一个不完善的阶段。广大高校思想政治工作者在教育实践中都或多或少地、自觉或不自觉地利用各种形态的社会资源来为思想政治教育实践服务。已经取得的高校思想政治教育效果的大小与社会资源发挥作用的程度是密切相关的。因此,高校思想政治教育主体怎样建立正确的完整的思想政治教育资源观,怎样合理地有效地开发利用高校思想政治教育资源特别是社会资源便成为思想政治教育理论界及广大的思想政治工作者必须面对的重要问题。 本文以现代思想政治教育学相关理论特别是思想政治教育资源论为指导,采用文献研究法,力图科学地准确地阐释高校思想政治教育社会资源的内涵及特征。梳理社会资源利用问题的历史演进,并对社会资源开发利用的现状及存在的问题进行客观描述,明确整合社会资源的重要意义,进而探寻整合社会资源的策略。本文分为四部分,其主要内容如下: 第一部分是对高校思想政治教育社会资源相关概念的界定,分析社会资源的内涵及特征,并对社会资源作了分类。第二部分是在对相关文献进行概况总结的基础上,在梳理社会资源利用的历史演进后,对社会资源利用的现状及存在的问题进行阐述。第三部分是针对第二部分社会资源利用的现状及存在问题的解决路径的探讨,即提出有效整合社会资源是提升社会资源利用水平的重要途径,在分析整合社会资源的作用、明确整合原则的基础上,对整合社会资源的策略进行了初步探索。第四部分得出结论。
[Abstract]:With the further strengthening of the trend of globalization and the in-depth development of China's reform and opening up, in recent years, the ideological and moral concepts of Chinese college students have undergone unprecedented changes, and the ideological and political work in colleges and universities is facing new challenges. How to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in colleges and universities under the new situation, and how to improve the political literacy and ideological and moral level of college students in an all-round way, has become a complex issue to be solved urgently. Any social practice should be supported by certain resources. The ideological and political education activities in colleges and universities, as the main body of education, exert purposeful, planned and organized influence on the objects of education, so that the objects of education can form social practice activities that meet the requirements of mainstream ideology and can not be separated from the role of resources. In a sense, the process of ideological and political education practice in colleges and universities is the process in which ideological and political education resources play a role. The resources of ideological and political education in colleges and universities can be briefly divided into two parts: internal resources and social resources. At present, the development and utilization of resources in ideological and political education in colleges and universities is relatively mature, and the utilization level of resources in colleges and universities is also relatively high. In contrast, the development and utilization of social resources in ideological and political education in colleges and universities is still in an imperfect stage. In the educational practice, the ideological and political workers in colleges and universities use various forms of social resources more or less consciously or unconsciously to serve the practice of ideological and political education. The effect of ideological and political education in colleges and universities is closely related to the extent to which social resources play a role. Therefore, how to establish a correct and complete view of ideological and political education resources and how to develop and utilize ideological and political education resources, especially social resources, have become an important problem that the theoretical circle of ideological and political education and the vast number of ideological and political workers must face. Under the guidance of the relevant theories of modern ideological and political pedagogy, especially the theory of resources of ideological and political education, this paper tries to explain the connotation and characteristics of social resources of ideological and political education in colleges and universities scientifically and accurately by using the method of literature research. This paper combs the historical evolution of the problem of the utilization of social resources, and objectively describes the present situation and existing problems of the development and utilization of social resources, clarifies the significance of integrating social resources, and then explores the strategies of integrating social resources. This paper is divided into four parts, the main contents are as follows: the first part is the definition of social resources of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the analysis of the connotation and characteristics of social resources, and the classification of social resources. The second part is on the basis of summarizing the general situation of the relevant literature, after combing the historical evolution of the utilization of social resources, the present situation and existing problems of the utilization of social resources are expounded. The third part is the discussion of the present situation of the utilization of social resources and the solution of the existing problems, that is, the effective integration of social resources is an important way to improve the utilization level of social resources. On the basis of analyzing the role of integrating social resources and defining the principles of integration, this paper makes a preliminary exploration on the strategies of integrating social resources. The fourth part draws a conclusion.


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